Parashas Matot, Masei (Numbers 30-36)

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Parasha Matot is Numbers 30:2–32:42, and Masei is Num. 33-36.

* Num. 30:2-17 assumes that all adult women are married. By giving the husband 24 hours to nullify the wife’s vow, it assures him that he is head of the household.

* Num. 31:1. The Lord spoke to Moses: “Avenge the Israelite people on the Midianites, then you shall be gathered to your kin.”

What did God mean by “avenge”? God wants retribution for the Midianites seducing Israel into worshiping Baal-peor while the Israelites want revenge for the devastating plague that followed that worship.

This repeated invocation of “gathered to your kin” indicates that ties of blood are important in the Torah world view.

* Was Balaam a good guy or a bad guy? Num. 31:8 says the Jews slew Balaam. Yet we use his words in the Jewish prayer book.

* Dennis Prager: “What did God command [about Midian]? Retribution. There is no other specific command from God. It is all from Moses. Moses does all the commanding of killing. Did Moses do exactly what God wanted?”

* Num. 31:14 Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle.

15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Dennis: “The ones who caused the problems were the ones who you spared…so that the Lord’s community got the plague… I do not believe that God wanted the children of Midian killed.”

“They [the Israelites] didn’t kill the women and children. Obviously it is Moses interpreting God’s command. The Israelites got the same command. Retribution. Moses relayed it and the Israelites did what they understood as retribution — kill the men. But that’s it.”

“I think Moses did misinterpret [God’s command]. Maybe God wasn’t vague. Maybe the Israelites understood Him perfectly. Or you have to argue that everyone got it wrong except for Moses.”

“Moshe misinterprets God’s command with the rock…and says we will bring forth water from the rock, not God. Moses is old, angry… Moses is over-compensating for his error that Pinchas corrected when in front of Moses, a Midianite woman is seducing an Israelite man and Pinchas slays both of them. It is clear that God thought this was right because it was unbelievably brazen. In front of Moses, they announced they were having sex and worshiping false gods.”

“We do not have a hint that the Jews obeyed Moses’s command. It is clear that his authority has waned. Maybe for humanitarian [reasons] or maybe because they still like Midianite women, it is clear that they didn’t do it because it always adds they did as God commanded. They never leave it up in the air as to whether or not they obeyed.”

Moses was over-compensating for having married a Midianite wife. This was his way of saying that I will not be swayed by my own personal inclination towards Midianite women. His father in law, Jethro, was a Midianite priest who nursed Moses to health and it is to him that Moses goes to for advise.

Earlier in Exodus, Moses was saved by the daughter of the Pharoah. The Torah does not portray the Jews as the good guys and the goyim as bad guys.

* Num. 31:54. A midrash says that the Jews stripped the Midianite women of jewelry, but they did not rape them: “Each of us had gone into the houses of the Midianites, into the bedchambers of their kings. And we desired their daughters, pretty and beautiful, delicate and tender; and we unfastened the garlands, the gold crowns from their heads; rings from their ears, necklaces fro their necks, chainlets from their arms, chains from their hands, signet rings from their fingers, clasps from their breasts. Nevertheless, not one of us was joined with one of them in this world, so as not to be with her in Gehenna in the world to come.”

* Num. 32: 1-30: The Gadites and Reubenites want to help Israel but they don’t want to live there because they can make more money living elsewhere. Sound familiar?

Dennis Prager on Num. 31-33: “The truth is, who has suffered as much as Jews historically? I can’t think of any group who has suffered as long as the Jews have.” Do Jews win the Victimhood Sweepstakes? And what is the prize for that?

“If you let the Canaanites live with you, they will probably seduced you to their values… And then I, God, will dispossess you. It is hard to make a monotheistic world… At least half of the Jews of the world are not God-oriented.”

“If God took the Jews out of Egypt just to free slaves, then God is a racist. Why didn’t He take ever group out?”

“It is not possible for Jews to think they are better than everyone else when they read the Torah because it describes them as worse than everyone else.”

* Numbers 34: God tells the Jews the boundaries for Israel to let them know not to conquer more and not to become an empire.

* Cities of refuge. There are no accidents in Torah. If you sin accidentally, you have to bring a sin offering. If you kill someone accidentally, you have to flee to a city of refuge and stay there until the High Priest dies. You can’t just pay off the family for your killing.

* Suzanne Klingenstein writes for the Jewish Women’s Archive:

Literature Scholars in the United States

At the start of the twenty-first century, women of all classes, races, and ethnicities are so fully integrated into American literary academia that it is astonishing that, as little as a century ago, the idea of a woman professor teaching, for example, the novels of George Eliot or Henry James to a roomful of young men and women was inconceivable. In all highly literate cultures, secular and religious knowledge used to be the domain of men, while women were in charge of the practical side of daily life and, in the upper classes, of certain social matters.

In this regard, Jewish culture is no exception. Despite the premium Judaism places on literacy and learning, which in some instances persuaded fathers to teach their daughters and husbands to instruct their wives, the motto among observant Jews remained until fairly recently, a meydl darf nisht lernen [a girl need not study]. While European gentile culture considered women intellectually inferior to men, Jewish culture argued that God designed woman to be man’s “helper” (Gen. 2:18). Women relieved men of domestic chores, and, in Eastern Europe, women often contributed to the family income.

The disturbing attitudes of gentile culture toward both Jews and women, which have only recently begun to change, are responsible for the late entry of Jewish women into colleges and universities. For those Jewish women who sought admission to institutions of higher learning and became the first female Jewish humanities professors, their struggle against Jewish tradition caused many to turn away from Judaism as the source of an intellectually vibrant and spiritually meaningful life.

The first generation of Jewish women professors, especially those in the field of literature, consisted of militantly secular women from a variety of Jewish social backgrounds (labor, socialist, Yiddishist, Zionist, immigrant, and mercantile). They had two things in common: a love of Western literary culture and an ignorance of the Jewish intellectual tradition, its major texts, authors, and debates. While many Jewish women in literary academia were familiar with the most popular ritual and cultural expressions of Judaism, such as the blessing of candles on Shabbat, or the prohibition against pork and shellfish, none had been educated to locate the specific practices of observance within the framework of an intense and ongoing intellectual discussion spanning two millennia, a discussion carried on, until very recently, exclusively by men.

Ignorance of Judaism’s intellectual underpinnings, coupled with a vague emotional appreciation of certain Jewish customs, ranging from hamantaschen on Purim to latkes on Hanukkah, is the single unifying feature of an otherwise extraordinarily diverse group of individuals—Jewish women in literary academe—whose history as a group this article, paradoxically, attempts to sketch.

Overall, the integration of Jewish women into literary academia is much more closely linked to the history of women than to the history of Jews in American universities. The sequence of integration runs roughly as follows: White Protestant men of Anglo-Saxon descent grudgingly accepted Catholic men before accepting Jewish men as colleagues and instructors of English literature. Jewish men, in particular, were ready to open academe further by hiring women, who in turn agitated for the integration of other minorities, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and gays. The history of Jews in American academia shows a significant gender bias; whereas Jewish men were discriminated against as Jews, Jewish women had difficulties not as Jews but as women. The reason for the difference is that Jewish men and women entered the field in different generations—men during the 1920s and 1930s, women during the 1950s and 1960s.

Until the early 1930s, white Protestant men dominated the study of literature. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, a few white Protestant women, often educated at elite women’s colleges, struggled into the field. They achieved recognition and full professorships in the early years of World War II, as their male colleagues either volunteered for or were drafted into the army. At the same time, a handful of Jewish men were finishing their dissertations in literature. If these Jewish scholars secured jobs at all at top schools during the late 1930s, their appointments were due to special circumstances. Most of them, however, were hired either in the early 1940s to fill vacancies created by America’s entry into the war or right after the war to help satisfy the enormous demand for college teachers created by the GI bill.

Among the soldiers returning from the European and Pacific theaters were Jews who had started college in the late 1930s, became interested in literature, but graduated without much hope of being able to pursue an academic career in the humanities. Drafted into the United States Army or Navy upon graduation, they now returned to American campuses to find that a few Jews had broken through the ethnic barrier to become professors of English and American literature. Encouraged by these appointments and convinced that the equalizing experiences in trenches and on battleships had undermined the prejudices against Jews they had encountered during their college days, they enrolled in graduate English programs. As teachers, they attracted the third generation of male Jewish literary critics entering college in the late 1940s and early 1950s, when the first Jewish women were enrolling in graduate literature programs and the first sizable number of young Jewish women were starting college. While the men of that generation, receiving their doctorates in the late 1950s and early 1960s, secured jobs without too much effort, their female colleagues faced many problems, not only as women in academe, but also in the culture at large as women who did not wish to be homemakers.

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The Fascism Of Yaakov Moshe Harlap

In his fifth lecture on R. Yaakov Moshe Harlap, Marc Shapiro says: “His stress on the land of Israel…is not just super-Zionism but bordering on fascism. If you tell me that is the Jewish approach, then the Jewish approach is fascist…. Racialism.”

R. Moshe Harlap

Marc: “Rav Harlap comes to this only through Jewish sources. He’s not influenced by Western nationalisms… This is just out of his kabbalistic reading.”

“There will come a time when the world will move beyond nationalism to universalism. There will no longer be any distinctions between non-Jewish nations. There will always be a distinction between Jewish people [and goyim].”

“Rav Harlap completely rejects any desire or need for non-Jewish culture. The people Israel is a holy one who dwells alone and is not counted among the nations. Any drawing from alien sources nullifies its purity and the other nations shall not be able to attain their [repair] except through surrender to the pure and original truth of Israel. If Israel lowers itself by grazing in alien pastures, it will not fulfill its destiny.”

“We cannot attain eretz Yisrael until we abandon the culture of other worlds. We do not need any culture or language or learn from them how to run a government. Everything is written in our Jewish sources. We have to reject the ways of the goyim and just follow the Torah.”

“Even Satmar doesn’t act this way. Satmar only takes the bad from the gentiles.”

“The nations are not able to compare themselves to Israel in any way… The difference between a Jew and a gentile is like the difference between light and darkness.”

“This becomes a standard view among kabbalists and right-wing types in Israel. When Rav Harlap was writing this, it was not the sort of thing public figures were writing about. It’s not the sort of thing you’d want made public.”

“Jewish nationalism is raised beyond this world and the non-Jews can’t connect to it. The non-Jews recognize this and so they are opposed to any attempt by Israel to realize its uniqueness and so they fight against Jewish nationalism.”

Rav Harlap: “Jews have an entire different body… Jews are a different species.”

“When the nations repent, it is only out of fear of punishment.”

“Even the sinners of Israel are not doing it out of fear of punishment but because internally they have a higher purpose because Jews are essentially holy. When Jews sin, it is only a sin on the outside. On the inside, they remain holy. Non-Jews cannot be holy even if they follow the Seven Laws of the Sons of Noah. Non-Jews cannot achieve their tikkun until they recognize the greatness of Israel and they have to follow the Jews’ lead.”

“The non-Jews are within nature. Jews can move beyond nature.”

“Is the typical messianic idea that Jews will rule the entire world and the entire world will see Israel as its ruler? I’m not sure that is the job we want.”

Did Rav Kook create or attract freaky extremists? Attract.

Forward, Dec. 19, 2003:

Charedi Rabbis Rush To Disavow Anti-Gentile Book

Leaders of the country’s most prominent ultra-Orthodox yeshiva are scrambling to distance themselves from a book by one of their disciples, which argues that gentiles are “completely evil” and Jews constitute a separate, genetically superior species.

Written by Rabbi Saadya Grama — an alumnus of Beth Medrash Govoha, the renowned yeshiva in Lakewood, N.J. — the self-published book attempts to employ classical Jewish sources in defense of a race-based theory of Jewish supremacy. Grama’s book, published in Hebrew under the title “Romemut Yisrael Ufarashat Hagalut,” includes flowery endorsements from the most revered religious scholars at the renowned Lakewood yeshiva, including the institution’s foremost religious leader, or rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler.

Yet, in a statement issued Tuesday in response to queries from the Forward, Kotler rejected Grama’s philosophy and said that he had not carefully reviewed the text prior to endorsing it.

“We have seen the objectionable statements that allegedly appear in a sefer [book] written by Rabbi Grama, a former student at our yeshivah,” wrote Kotler, whose late grandfather Rabbi Aharon Kotler founded the Lakewood yeshiva. “I did glance briefly at the book but did not read it carefully — which is the general practice in providing approbations to the many books by alumni that come across a desk like mine.”

In his rare statement to the press, Kotler added: “In looking at the specific points allegedly contained in the sefer, I can certainly tell you that they are not reflective of normative Jewish thought and are certainly not the philosophy of our yeshivah. Our philosophy asserts that every human being is created in the image of the Lord and the primacy of integrity and honesty in all dealings without exception. I strongly repudiate any assertions in the name of Judaism that do not represent and reflect this philosophy.”

The statement Tuesday struck a dramatically different chord from Kotler’s earlier endorsement of the book, in which he said Grama has written “on the subjects of the Exile, the Election of Israel and her exaltation above and superiority to all of the other nations, all in accordance with the viewpoint of the Torah, based on the solid instruction he has received from his teachers.”

Kotler’s disavowal of the book on Tuesday came at the end of an intense, day-long scramble during which the Anti-Defamation League and the chancellor of Yeshiva University condemned the book, and several ultra-Orthodox communal spokesmen tried to convince the Forward not to report its existence. During the course of the day, a popular bookstore in the heavily Orthodox Boro Park section of Brooklyn told the Forward that it had just pulled the book off of the tables at the author’s request.

The controversy over Grama’s book comes as the yeshiva is close to securing $500,000 in federal funds for a Holocaust library (see accompanying story on Page 4).

Coincidentally, in his book, Grama argues that the Holocaust was both a divine punishment against the Jews for assimilation and also proof of the “true nature and face” of the non-Jewish world. The book’s title could be translated in several ways, including “The Grandeur of Israel and the Issue of Exile” and “Jewish Superiority and the Question of Exile.”

Grama did not return a call seeking clarification on this point and other questions about his polemic.

In his book, Grama writes: “The difference between the people of Israel and the nations of the world is an essential one. The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and in his very essence is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species.”

Grama’s explanation of the Holocaust, as well as his other theories, drew harsh criticism from Rabbi Norman Lamm, chancellor of Yeshiva University and the rosh hayeshiva of its affiliated seminary. Lamm said that his only knowledge of the book came from passages provided to him by the Forward, but that he rejected what he understood to be Grama’s arguments.

“It is a book by someone who has obviously taken leave of his senses and adopted the kind of racism that was used against Jews since the beginning of time,” said Lamm, one of Modern Orthodoxy’s most prominent leaders. “I almost feel like offering a conjecture that it was written by an antisemite posing as a rabbi.”

Lamm added: “The passages that I have read managed to offend everyone — the Torah, the martyrs of the Holocaust, the Jewish ideals of justice and the essential divinity that inheres in every human being regardless of religion, race or ethnic origin.”

In an effort to back up his arguments, Grama draws on an array of racist sources ranging from medieval theological tracts to the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche to the works of Nazi figures. Among other things, Grama argues:

• The differences between Jews and gentiles are not religious, historical, cultural or political. They are, rather, racial, genetic and scientifically unalterable. The one group is at its very root and by natural constitution “totally evil” while the other is “totally good.”

• Jewish successes in the world are completely contingent upon the failure of all other peoples. Only when the gentiles face total catastrophe do the Jews experience good fortune.

• The Jews themselves brought about their own destruction during the Holocaust, since they arrogantly endeavored to overcome their very essence, dictated by divine law, by leaving their ghettoes and trying to assimilate into Christian European society. The confrontational approach of the Zionists, their boycott of German products and anti-Nazi demonstrations in particular, only exacerbated the peril to European Jewry. For this they were massacred by Hitler who, while himself an evil person, was acting as God’s agent in punishing the Jews.

Grama also argues that in opposition to Zionism’s advocacy of Jewish national self-assertion and self-defense, which he views as an imitation of “gentile ways,” the Torah mandates that the Jews, while in exile, should employ such means as appeasement, deception, duplicity and even “bribery” in their dealing with gentiles, so as to avoid their wrath.

Grama’s full-blown racialist theories appear to break new ground, building on a handful of hints of national and racial chauvinism occasionally found in the writings of a few earlier rabbinic figures, but combining them into a racialist doctrine with no precedent in rabbinic literature. To be sure, a minority stream exists in the rabbinic tradition — from the 11th- and 12th-century Hebrew romantic poet Yehuda Halevy to the 18th century chasidic sage Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev — which sees the differences between Jew and gentile as innate, rather than merely religious. Perhaps the most extreme version of this view is found in the central text of Chabad chasidism, Tanya, whose author, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi, Chabad’s founder, maintained that Jewish and gentile souls are fundamentally different, the former “divine” and the latter “animalistic.” That viewpoint has gained ground in recent decades, particularly among charedi thinkers.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, who is considered one of the leading ideologues of the Israeli Chabad movement, has written and spoken widely on the superiority of Jews and was briefly imprisoned in Israel for racial incitement. Yated Ne’eman, an Orthodox weekly in upstate New York that is affiliated with one of Israel’s main charedi dailies, has published essays on the question of whether medical research can be understood to apply to Jews given the innate physiological differences between Jews and gentiles.

Such arguments, however, have historically stood in tension with the prevailing rabbinic view that the righteous gentiles of the world — those who exhibit the basic ethical and moral behavior encapsulated in the “Seven Laws of Noah” — had the same access to personal salvation as fully observant Jews. This view was summed up in the 12th century by Moses Maimonides, arguably the most important Jewish sage of the past millennium, when he wrote in his code of Jewish law: “Anyone who accepts the Seven Laws of Noah and is careful to observe them is one of the righteous among the nations of the world and he has a portion in the world to come.”

Critics complained that Grama’s racial theories also conflicts with ancient and medieval rabbinic rules mandating equal treatment in all realms for converts to Judaism.

Grama frequently quotes Biblical verses that advocate terribly harsh treatment of the pagan inhabitants of ancient Canaan, implying that the same standards ought to be applied to his non-Jewish neighbors in America. By doing so, he appears to disregard extensive rabbinic deliberations dating back to the early medieval period whose general consensus was that Christianity and Islam are licit, monotheistic faiths. The net result of these medieval rabbinic deliberations was to limit the application of such Biblical laws to ancient pagans, and to mandate that Muslims and Christians could not be classified together with the idol-worshippers of earlier times.

From the book, Rethinking the Messianic Idea in Judaism:

Marc: “This is not something Rav Harlap made up… It is not new. It is found in standard texts. You can chart that as Jews are persecuted, negative views of non-Jews come out, and as Jews are welcomed, you have more positive views [of non-Jews]. I don’t see how this doesn’t become dangerous when it becomes the motivating principle.”

“Moshe says David Duke quotes that stuff as well. Every tradition has difficult texts. So what to do? Islam has these texts and plenty of Muslims follow these views. It’s not fair to just take these texts. We also have these texts, that the best of non-Jews should be killed, that the best of doctor should be killed… Shuls are filled with doctors. You have to know how the text has been interpreted and has it been actualized or not. How do people live? It is not enough to cite a text.”

“That any Jews would give up his personality and submerge himself in someone else goes against the Lithuanian approach.”

“Some of his reflections on the Holocaust are troubling to me.”

“With these great figures, we have to speak of enduring elements and transitory elements. No one ever assumes, unless you are a hassid, that you need to adopt everything of every figure. Not everything is enduring… Who’s greater than the Rambam? Not everything the Rambam said [has been widely accepted]… You have to judge the totality. Rav Harlap recognized what the return to the land of Israel means to the Jews.”

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Germany Abolishes Itself

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* There are no “Europeans” in Europe. There are Germans, French, English, Italians, Hungarians, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Dutch and the like.

There are only Europeans in the United Sates, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and wherever else European Christians have explored, settled and colonized.

There are people in the United States who have English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, German, French, Italian, Dutch and Hungarian ancestors. They are part of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States. They are White Core Americans.

* Helmut Schmidt, former chancellor of Germany, opposed this view, and he did it more openly, the longer he lived. In an interview with the German magazine Focus, he said in 2005: “We have to stop immigration from strange cultures.” (6th of June, 2005).
“He who wants to increase the number of Muslims in Germany, risks to endanger our inner peace.” (In his autobiography Außer Dienst (=Out of Office), p. 236, 2008

Schmidt defended the most important (and best) German critic of Merkel’s immigration policy, ex-Banker and ex-politician turned writer Thilo Tarrazin. Sarrazin holds, that Merkel’s open borders politics make for the biggest mistake in German history – since 1945, ok.

The one point, Schmidt did not agree with Sarrazin, was the HBD-aspect in Sarrazin’s books. Sarrazin is well read, and knows the literature – not only that of Murray/Herrnstein, but that of German psychologist and IQ expert Heiner Rindermann as well (who, as it turns out, thinks, that Steve Sailer is a great science-journalist).

* “Instead, we now celebrate the anti-logic of leapfrogging loyalties.

The Western liberal is noteworthy for feeling loyalty toward his inner circle, then leapfrogging over a whole bunch of folks who are kind of like him but whom he more or less despises, in order to embrace The Other.”

This is NOT a recent phenomenon. It was not birthed with Modern Socialism, and neither is it a unique sense of guilt for 2 World Wars gone wild. The English in the 18th century, for example, saw the Celts they ruled as inherently inferior savages, at the same time they were beginning the process of creating the Numinous Negro that the British Empire would spread globally. The Anglo-Saxon Puritans had hoped to exterminate all Catholics and Celts, culturally if not necessarily physically, while simultaneously cooing over Jews and granting them special status.

And it is not merely a WASP problem. It is a Germanic thing. The Continental Germans have always seen Slavs as sub-human or at least as fit only to be serfs. The Nazis used the same term for Slavs (untermenschen) that they used for Jews, and Germans of various specific ‘political’ stances had used it for Slavs for centuries, long before the Nazis used it for Jews as well. The Germanies produced various writers who romanticized peoples like Turks and other Mohammedans even as they invariably assumed the Slavs to be hopelessly inferior and all Romance speakers to be EVIL of the type that thought only of harming poor innocent Germans.

What Sailer describes is inherent in Germanic culture (for those who may not know, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians were Germanic tribes – WASP culture is Germanic, as surely as Yiddish is German).

* Logic of Imperialism: Nationalism is good when it can be used against the rival empire, real or imagined. Nationalism is bad when it resists one’s own empire or is supported by the rival empire.

So, during WWI, the British Imperialists supported Arab nationalism against the Turks. But once the British gained power over the Muslim world, they no longer liked Arab nationalism. Nasser was one of the most hated man.

We see the schizo mindset of the US in Poland and Ukraine. During the Cold War, Polish nationalism was given moral support against the Soviet empire. And even after the Cold War, US fully supported Polish nationalist animus against Russia. However, at the same time, the US tried to weaken Polish resistance to US globalist-imperialism with homo agenda and open borders. Schizo.

Same with Ukraine. US even aided neo-nazis to topple Russia-friendly regime. Ukrainian nationalism, even the most far-right kind, has been a gold mine against Russia. At the same time, US pushes homo agenda on Ukraine to break its resistance to globalist hegemony.

“We encourage your nationalism against the other empire while at the same time weakening its resistance to our empire.”

* Leapfrogging amplifies self-righteous virtue-vanity while decreasing burden of responsibility.

If you focus on your own kids, you gotta feed them, clothe them, educate them. You can’t make grand moral claims about humanity, but you got a real burden and obligation.

But if you neglect your kids and say you love all the children of the world, you can overlook the responsibility to your kids while promoting yourself as someone who CARES so much. Pro-Bono.

So, when elites say they care about all of humanity, they can dodge and neglect real responsibilities to own nations while thumping their chests about humanity.

Globalism ‘ennobles’ by giving license to unload one’s personal/national burden.

“Why aren’t you taking care of your kids?”

“I’m too busy singing songs about the children of the world.”

Do less but claim more.

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Steve Sailer: ‘How Much Black Lives Matter Terrorism Has There Been Since Ferguson?’

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I applaud your effort here but it won’t amount to much. The (((media))) pushed the narrative that innocent blacks were being systematically hunted down in the streets en masse by white police forces. Blacks and MSNBC watching whites actually believe there is a massive Wounded Knee massacre going on in the country every day. These people are too uninformed, and the meme is just too convenient. They will cling to this myth forever, like other racial victim myths of the past.

Any amount of bad behavior on the part of these Neo Wounded Knee victims will be justified as legitimate resistance. Facts don’t matter, and civil war is coming.

* The Black Lives Matter Mob(BLMM) can be pacified very easily. It is the corporate propaganda apparatus, or the corporate media, that pushes the anti-White propaganda that riles up the BLMM to no end. Are the BLMM puppets terrorists? Yes they are. Has the Black Lives Matter Mob set out to terrorize Whites? Yes they have. But the real evil is done by the corporate media which creates an atmosphere of anti-White propaganda.

The corporate media is the evil which must be destroyed to allow truth to prosper in regards to the Black Lives Matter Mob and other things. I do not recall that there are too many Blacks among the few who control the anti-White propaganda in the United States. Oprah? OK.
Blacks do not control Comcast or NBC, for example. Who does control NBC? Who are the Roberts family?

Who controls CBS? Who are the Redstones?

White Core Americans must not allow anti-White elements in the corporate media to continue to push anti-White propaganda. It is time to begin dislodging from power the corporate media megaphone which creates the atmosphere in which the Black Lives Matter Mob thrives. The owners of the corporate media are a bigger threat to White Core Americans than the low IQ boobs in the Black Lives Matter Mob.

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When I collapsed into six years of largely bedridden Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) between 21-27 (1988-1994), my peers fled from me (while most people in the second half displayed considerable empathy towards me). I gradually realized that fear of illness was not personal. Most people instinctively retreat from illness. It is probably an evolutionary adaptation. It might be why so few people wanted to show up to Hillary Clinton’s rallies.

After I rejoined the working world in 1994, I kept under-achieving. Another way of describing it would be hiding and biting. Just like wounded animals hide in case they get hurt again, so too I hid in my own ways, and when people tried to bring me into the sun, I bit them.

In my late 20s, I kinda sorta belonged in the same social circles as my friends, but into my 30s, as they married, advanced in their careers, and had children and mortgages, we increasingly went our separate ways. Sometimes I simply couldn’t afford to do the things my friends were doing. Circa 1997, I remember meeting this attractive woman in shul and she called me up and invited me to dinner with her friends and I had to say no because I couldn’t afford it.

People who move ahead with their lives don’t generally want to hang around with people who are hiders and biters. This social dynamic begins before kindergarten. Winners don’t want to hang out with losers. The more friends you make who are losers, the more you get sucked into losing. The more friends you make who are winners, the more you win. In school through college, I was in the middle of the social pecking order. As I started getting my act together in college, I began moving up (until I was felled by CFS).

When I began 12-step work in 2011, I talked a lot about my problems. A little later, I began talking about working on my problems and my character defects. When I moved into some serious recovery in 2016, I stopped talking about my problems, stopped thinking about my problems, and surrendered to the fact that I had these powerful compulsions that were keep me small and unhappy. Instead of worrying about my problems, I worked my various 12-step programs, turned my problems and character defects over to God, walked in the paths of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, and as I did so, my problems diminished and sometimes disappeared. Now I rarely worry about my problems. I just treat the friction of life as reminders to work my programs.

I find it hard to hang around people with untreated addictions. I’m willing to help but I have to keep such dangerous people at a distance or they will pull me down. Even under-earning and under-achieving can be an addiction and when I spot that type of thinking, I want to flee. Such people tend to be careless about time and money and their responsibilities. They’re dangerous and often disconnected from others, from themselves and from God.

I get a sense of a person’s recovery by how they carry themselves. When I first entered a 12-step program about money in May of 2015 (with about $50,000 in credit card debt and nothing saved for retirement), my therapist noticed an immediate change in the way I walked, talked and thought because I suddenly saw a very clear path ahead towards prosperity.

People who are sunk in their addictions are usually sunk in their bodies. Their defeat radiates and infects. Nothing we do fails to affect other people. Such folks are universally slumped and distorted by unnecessary tension patterns. They’re pulled down and in. By contrast, as they get recovery, they become increasingly buoyant.

I think I can tell how a person speaks to himself by the way he’s aligned. I remember there were years (1997 to 2008) when the most common thing I said to myself was, “I’m f***ed.” Accompanying that self-talk was a punitive tightening and pulling down and in on myself. Happy people, on the other hand, are up and out directed, both in their physiology and in their social lives. It is useless to tell the depressed to care about others. It is impossible. When we are happy, we naturally orient towards others and it is a joy to be of service. It makes us feel alive.

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