I Wish Stephen Steinlight Was King of the Jews

Our current Jewish leadership is building up a white reaction that may well resemble the Holocaust.

William Pierce hated Stephen Steinlight because he recognized the threat of a commonsensical moderate Jewry.

From CIS (Center for Immigration Studies):

One of the nation’s most insightful voices on immigration, Dr. Stephen Steinlight is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) in Washington, DC. He focuses on ascending trends in immigration and immigration policy, America’s changing demography and culture, the politics of immigration, the impact of immigration on the nation’s social cohesion, and the consequences of massive low-skill immigration on America’s most vulnerable groups. He is also concerned with the nexus between immigration and national security in an age of Jihadist terrorism and significant Muslim migration to Western Europe and the United States.

Dr. Steinlight has testified before the Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives and the Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate. He has also provided expert testimony before state legislatures and State Freedom of Information Commissions. He has shared podiums with members of the House and presidential candidates. He has also addressed hundreds of state legislator and civic and religious groups across the country, been a panelist at conferences and public forums, and is frequently interviewed on radio and TV. He has written extensively on many of the central issues in the immigration debate.

Prior to joining CIS, he was Executive Director of the American Anti-Slavery Group, the Boston-based abolitionist organization. For eight years he was National Affairs Director at the American Jewish Committee (AJC) where he oversaw its public policy agenda centered on First Amendment issues, civil rights, immigration, and social policy. While at AJC, Dr. Steinlight was a member of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and founded and served as Senior Advisor to the critically-acclaimed commonQuest: The Magazine of Black-Jewish Relations.

He also served as Vice President of the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) for three years. He convened the first global interreligious dialogues involving dissident Muslim scholars; played a lead role in propagating community-oriented policing; worked on issues affecting Native Americans; and directed the largest survey of intergroup attitudes ever undertaken in America: Taking America’s Pulse: A Survey of Intergroup Attitudes in the United States.

Prior to joining NCCJ, he was Director of Education at the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, the body responsible for developing the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Dr. Steinlight was co-creator of the Museum’s “Remember the Children Exhibition.”

A magna cum laude graduate of Columbia College, Columbia University, upon graduation he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and received the Columbia College Alumni Merit Award. He was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, a Kellett Fellow, and a Marshall Scholar at the University of Sussex, England, where he received his M.Phil and PhD. He was a professor of English and Victorian Studies for 20 years, teaching at the University of Sussex, the State University of New York; the Institút Britannique de Paris; and the School of Graduate Studies, New York University. The recipient of numerous academic honors and visiting professorship, he has been a Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities and is currently an Associate Fellow at Timothy Dwight College, Yale University.

Dr. Steinlight is author of two books: Fractious Nation? Unity and Division in Contemporary American Life (UC-Berkeley Press, 2003); and Children of Abraham (K’TAV 2002): An Introduction to Islam and Islamism co-authored with one of the foremost scholar/opponents of Islamism, the late Khalid Durán. Both authors received fatwas for having written the book. Dr. Steinlight was also selected by the United States Council for Peace to join a team of conflict-resolution and civil society experts sent to Macedonia in 2003 to maintain the ceasefire in that nation’s civil war and create a process for President Trajkovski and his cabinet to work with leading jurists and former rebels to amend its constitution.

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Oldest white supremacist site shut down after complaint

First they came for the white supremacists, and I said nothing because I was not a white supremacist…

I have mixed feelings about these matters, though ultimately I fall more on the side of free speech and allowing these sites to operate. I am ambivalent, however, because sites like The Daily Stormer talk frequently about throwing people into ovens, which on the face of it is a call to violence and therefore it is hard for me to defend that right. When you are inciting criminal activity, you may well have lost your rights to free speech.

I’ve spent time on Stormfront. It is filled with ugly material, as well as thoughtful postings. Overall, from what I have seen, it is not a site that generally promoted criminal activity (though some of its posts did).

On the other hand, the Torah contains calls for Israel to commit genocides against the original inhabitants of Canaan. Also, there are other statements in the mesora (Jewish tradition) as well as in Christianity that are as ugly as things you can find on Stormfront or The Daily Stormer. I do not want my tradition or Christianity censored or shut down. So I need to allow others the same latitude.

I just read a biography of George Lincoln Rockwell and saw that the ACLU repeatedly went to bat for his right to speak, and much of what he said was horrifying, including his desire to eliminate parts of America’s population.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The founder of the internet’s oldest white supremacist site said he was trying to get back online Monday after a company revoked its domain name following complaints that it promotes hatred and is linked to dozens of murders.

Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader who has operated stormfront.org since 1995, said he didn’t receive any warning before Network Solutions blocked the use of the stormfront.org name on Friday.

Stormfront.org had more than 300,000 registered users, Black said, with traffic increasing since a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Popular with the KKK and neo-Nazi groups, the site included forums where users sometimes promoted white power events.

“I’m talking to my lawyers, and that’s about all I can do right now,” Black, of West Palm Beach, Florida, said in a telephone interview. “I can switch to another domain, but it might wind up the same way.”

Another major white supremacist website, The Daily Stormer, was previously been shut down by the web-hosting company Go Daddy and then Google after the violence in Charlottesville.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law said the stormfront.org shutdown followed complaints it filed with Network Solutions alleging the site promotes not only hate speech, but deadly violence.

A spokesman for Network Solutions didn’t immediately return an email seeking comment.

Users of Black’s website have been implicated in more than 100 murders, according to the complaint, including 77 people slain by neo-Nazi Anders Breivik at a camp in Norway in 2011.

“Especially in the wake of tragic events in Charlottesville and the spike in hate crimes across the country, Stormfront crossed the line of permissible speech and incited and promoted violence,” said a statement by Kristen Clarke, executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

Black, speaking about the shutdown during an online radio show Monday, said his site had rules against promoting violence or any crime.

Black was a state KKK leader under former Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke, who appeared on the radio show following Black and expressed his “full support” for Black and the website.

“He was the first major site defending the rights of white people,” said Duke.

Black has been involved in the white supremacy movement since the 1970s and was convicted in 1981 for his role in a right-wing plot to overthrow the overthrow the government of Caribbean island nation of Dominica.

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When Orthodox Jews Are A Tourist Attraction

Baruch writes: Walking to shul on Shabbos afternoon for Mincha, through the 3rd and Highland intersection of Hancock Park, BCC spots a tour bus, with the tour guide pointing at BCC and other Orthodox Jews walking, and the tourists are taking pictures. BCC could swear he could read their redneck mouths saying:. “Look, Martha, there’s those Jeeeewwwssss we be readin’ ’bout.” These tourists are gawking pointing and taking pictures as if they never saw Jews before. Paranoid, or are we Orthodox Jews viewed by tourists on our Sabbath dressed in our suits and hats on show as a tourist attraction?

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The liberal Zionist crisis — white nationalists are villains, but settlers are ‘complex’

I think the healthy attitude for all people is to put your own people first. They should be one’s primary political concern. Interests over principles. I do not care if Israel is a liberal democracy. My first concern is that the Jewish state is Jewish, run by Jews, and operated in the interests of Jews. I expect everyone to take this attitude toward their own kind. Surely you want your people to live, right? To live under their own sovereignty?

Philip Weiss is an honest leftist. He puts left-wing universal principles ahead of the interests of his own people.

Philip Weiss writes:

Last week I wrote about the liberal Zionists’ contradiction. They are eloquent critics of the racism that Trump is fostering in the US; but they can’t find that voice when it comes to Jim Crow and apartheid fostered by Jewish nationalism in Israel. And the contradiction is plain for all to see.

Here’s another example. I make it a point to hear Rabbi Yehuda Kurtzer speak at J Street and other Jewish spaces. He is a very smart guy and very positive. While he’s too Jewish-communitarian for my taste (the touchstones of his judgments are Jewish referents rather than universalist ones), he’s an idealist who addresses Israel’s crisis.

So I was disturbed to discover on his Facebook page from June a promotion of a visit to rightwing “hilltop” settlements in the Occupied West Bank to get to know those folks better, sponsored by the Shalom Hartman Institute, of which Kurtzer is an executive. Kurtzer wrote then that the tour was available to 200 visiting North American Jewish lay leaders as a way of “engaging with the complexities of modern Israel:”

Around a quarter of [Shalom Hartman participants today] are on the trip to Shiloh and its environs, trying to understand the roots and legacies of the Gush Emunim movement. They are doing this not because the settler movement accords with their politics and values, though for some that is probably the case; they are out doing this because they understand that to be in relationship, in serious and committed relationship, with the State of Israel requires a real reckoning with its complexities, its history and its values even when – especially when – those values conflict with their own. They do this because they know, as does much of American Jewish leadership, that sustaining a relationship with the State of Israel in spite of geographical difference, diverging ideological trends, and a growing chasm of world views, requires of them a deep commitment to understanding Israeli society and the humility involved in trying to stay in relationship to it.

As the Times of Israel noted last week: these are segregationist communities [my emphasis]:

Bat Ayin is home to a staunchly nationalistic community that, as a policy, does not allow Arabs through its gates. Residents have been involved in a number of attacks on Palestinians and their property in the past.

I am not convinced that “humility” and a “deep commitment” to Israeli society and “sustaining a relationship” to Israel entails lunching with these people and getting to know them and recognizing the “complexities” of their lives.

Now compare Kurtzer’s laissez-faire attitude about Israeli settlers to his sense of the emergency represented by Charlottesville. He wrote this on August 13, about the “sick morning” following the neo-Nazi rally:

“Never Forget” may be periodically trivialized by its overuse, but it is absolutely and scandalously undermined by its *underuse* – specifically, when we fail to map its warnings against the real and present dangers of its being rendered into a lie….

[W]hether it comes to devaluing our own victimhood, or denying the parts we play in allowing our societies to be villainous towards others, this central slogan sourced violently from the modern Jewish experience is now tested by our willingness to take it seriously in our politics, our activism, and our moral and political vigilance. Let’s hope it is a real thing.

Wouldn’t speaking out against against the role “we play in allowing our societies to be villainous towards others” mean condemning and exposing the settler movement, not seeking to understand it? Peter Beinart has been a leader on this score, inside the Jewish community.

Compare Kurtzer’s reaching out to the settlers to what longtime peace activist Bob Loeb said on first visiting Israel in the late 60’s (in an interview with Aliza Becker of the American Jewish Peace Archive):

I found the attitudes toward Palestinians in direct contradiction to everything that I had been struggling for in the States in terms of civil rights. It just didn’t make any sense.

That’s not hard to understand. And it’s more true than ever 50 years later.

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Identity Politics

Stephen Steinlight posts on FB: “One of the gods of my youth [Jim Brown] unsurprisingly gets is exactly right. All of us should be unhyphenated Americans first, last and always, and we should honor our national symbols. Then — yes — let us act on our consciences and political judgments, which will inevitably differ from time to time and sometimes passionately — but not to the insane Identity Politics extent of deconstructing America.”

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