Jews Against Censorship

From The Sun in the UK: “We understand that the editor of a prominent Jewish newspaper advised the tech giant against simply blocking videos discussing disturbing subjects, suggesting that the best way to combat these views is to debate and defeat them in the open.”

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I’m working Step Four and I’m having hard time listing any resentments because all resentments I develop are gone within a couple of days at the most. So my sponsor encourages me to list every resentment I’ve had recently that lasted more than 24 hours.

So I’m driving down the Ten freeway today behind a driver with his left blinker on for miles and I’m getting increasingly annoyed at the dope and when the lane to my right opens up and I can pass him, I have to fight my normal inclination to turn and give a dirty look to the idiot driver (unless he looks dark and dangerous). Now I’m traveling at about 60mph so even a useless glance to the left is a dangerous thing and with God’s grace, I don’t do it. Normally I do look long and hard at bad drivers, and that doesn’t do them much good, doesn’t do me much good, and puts other drivers at risk.

I think this is a good example of the destructiveness of resentment. Perhaps normal people can handle it (though it rarely if ever serves them), but for addicts it is deadly.

The more occupied I get with other people’s bad behavior (when there is nothing I can do about it), the more distracted I get from living my own vision (or my understanding of God’s vision for me).

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O’mei closes after community boycotts Santa Cruz restaurant

We can’t allow people to lawfully contribute to political causes they believe in. Oh no!

Santa Cruz Sentinel:

SANTA CRUZ >> A long-time Westside Chinese food restaurant has shuttered, perhaps permanently, in the face of a boycott and heated online backlash against the owner’s 2016 political donations.

Roger Grigsby, owner of O’mei Szechuan Chinese Restaurant, said on Wednesday that he made several donations adding up to $500 to the U.S. Senate campaign of Louisiana’s David Duke during his unsuccessful 2016 run. Duke served as a Ku Klux Klan leader from 1974 to 1978. Grigsby said he has been dealing with “political terror” and an “attack” on his business as word of his donations has spread from an alternative news site to a business review site to neighborhood discussion boards and blogs.

“They spread the gossip, they spread it as if it’s truth. All the things they called me: white supremacist, neo-Nazi, KKK — it’s all bullshit,” Grigsby said by phone. “My girlfriend and my former wife were both Chinese. Anybody who knows me, it’s like the United Colors of Benetton in our restaurant. We’ve had every ethnicity.”

Grigsby’s donations, publicly available information through the Federal Election Commission, were brought to light on Aug. 16 by community news site The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center, at The issue of Grigsby’s donations comes in the wake of the Aug. 12 violent clashes between a white nationalist rally and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left one dead.

Grigsby, who also made several donations adding up to $500 to the “Trump Make America Great Again Committee,” according to public campaign disclosure listings on the U.S. Federal Election Commission website, defended his support of Duke’s campaign. Duke, he said, is unfairly characterized by the news media as a “hate caricature.”

“He is defending the civil rights of European-Americans, whites, defending them from attacks against them,” Grigsby said of Duke. “If you can’t see that in the media, I don’t know what to tell you. The very word, ‘white supremacist’ is an attack. Nobody calls Mexicans and blacks and Chinese ‘Nazis.’ They only call white people ‘Nazis.’ The idea there is to make guilt by association of two words. White people and evil Nazis.”

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How Desegregation & Dislocation Helped Produce The Unabomber

In Australia, there’s a genuine and easy feeling of mateship. In diverse America, mateship is more difficult to find.

From the Atlantic in year 2000:

In 1952, when Kaczynski was ten, his parents moved from Chicago to the suburban community of Evergreen Park—in order, they later explained to Ted, to provide him with a better class of friends. The community into which the Kaczynskis moved would soon be in turmoil. Evergreen Park was a mixed neighborhood of Irish, Italians, Czechs, and Poles who now felt themselves under siege by yet another group of new arrivals.

On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that segregated schooling was unconstitutional. To many people in Evergreen Park this was tantamount to a declaration of war. Even before the Court’s decision they had feared what they saw as black encroachment. African-American communities stood just next door, and black families came to town to shop and eat at Evergreen Park restaurants. Black teenagers hung around Evergreen Plaza.

This environment tended to isolate the Kaczynskis, who by several accounts were liberal on race matters. Aggravating their isolation was Evergreen Park’s fragmented school system. Until 1955 the town had no public high school building, and students were bused to high schools in surrounding communities. Evergreen Park High School was not completed until 1955, and Ted Kaczynski, who became a member of the first class that spent all four years there, found himself in a school without cohesion or community, where few of the students knew one another. As Spencer Gilmore, a former science teacher, lamented, there was “no commonality in the student body.” Howard Finkle, who was then a social-studies teacher, describes Evergreen Park in those years as a school for strangers. Soon the school was riven by cliques.

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Is Crushing White Privilege Good For The Jews?

Steve Sailer writes:

What’s interesting here is that it’s more evidence that Jews aren’t going to get cut a special break from the Diverse in the emerging Anti-White Orthodoxy.

Some Jews seem to assume that all this talk about Crushing White Privilege doesn’t apply to themselves. If push ever comes to shove, they’ll just have a little talk with their close Person of Color friends and explain that they’re not exactly white, so of course they don’t have to give up any of their so-called “White” Privileges.

They haven’t actually had this talk with PoCs yet, but they can imagine just how smoothly it will go when the time comes.

Perhaps …

Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya in William Goldman’s The Princess Bride and currently on the Israeli-originated TV show Homeland) is considered by many Jewish Broadway fans to be a particularly Jewish star in whom they take pride.

But to the blacks who denounced his hiring and got the show shut down, Mandy Patinkin is just another White Guy with White Privilege.

The single most influential potential swing constituency in the ongoing racial power struggle is the ethnocentric Jewish bloc. If they start to realize that pushing further in demonizing whites will not be good for the Jews — because, to nonwhites, they’re white — dissent will become more allowable.

At this point in history, however, due to the long ban on their being criticized or even analyzed in non-schmaltzy terms by gentiles, ethnocentric Jews (e.g., Bret Stephens) aren’t very self-aware anymore.


* I’m a millennial member of the tribe which somewhat qualifies me to weigh in.

1. The older generation won’t jump en masse to the Republican party. To much inertia at play.

2. For the younger generation, the most liberal subset is entirely quitting the faith. The more moderate remainder is surprisingly conservative. I think this is largely a function of having a brain on an American college campus in the last 20 years. Even if one is lukewarm on Israel, that puts one far to the right of the typical social science professor (or student). Judaism is definitely unpopular among the SJW crowd — only Muslims or black Christians are acceptable religious adherents to that group — I quit the left in part due to clear loathing for Jewishness.

3. The big factor at play remain that most Jews live in a handful of expensive cities (i.e. dirt gap), though they do well financially, ameliorating that to a certain degree. The downtown synagogues in my city are MUCH more liberal than the suburban ones.

My guess is there’s going to be a certain amount of civil war on this front over the next couple of years. The business focused Jews will drift Republican. The media types who are big time dirt gap types will drift left. However, at the end of day, the overarching challenge is that the non-Jewish SJWs loath Israel and the religion which will probably send the Jewish vote closer to the median.

* Jews clearly are a subset of the Caucasian race, an argument I’ve had before with the alt-right. It’s a little silly to be all “I’m a about science and the DNA” and not notice that Jews are indeed Caucasian.

That said, there is a reason people think along those lines.

Jews that sincerely convert to Christianity appear to behave in ways that are more reliably European, for lack of a better way to say it. Jews that either abandon their faith or are Jewish in an “unwoke” way tend to behave in unconscious ways that undermine the cohesion of the (usually) larger majority Caucasian group that they live in. Thus, very little to no fretting over converted Jews. Much concern and separation of Jews from whites. (The US is forced into a bit of awkwardness on this point thanks to the Euro-mutt heritage of most living citizens. If this were France, we’d say French separate from Jew. )

If you don’t believe me, head over to blue check mark media Twitter, where one can find many off the wagon ethnic Jews. The brittle hostility to anything Christian or low class white is off the charts. And it’s those pieces of the culture that hold us together.

I don’t agree with the ineffectual sorts of antisemitism on the alt-right. But calling out the modern Jewish influence and hopefully getting some self modifications of the worst of that behavior would be very helpful.

* Over the past year or so, I am reading more and more negative observations and criticisms of Jews on the dissident right websites that are still up, such and even American Renaissance. It seems to me that the Jews are caught inbetween the proverbial rock and a hard place: The dissident right is increasingly openly fed up with them, while the leftists champion the Moslems. Before the Six-Day War, the left loved Israel, seeing it as plucky little David battling the big, mean Arab Goliath. There’s a certain kind of mind that requires feeling sorry for an “oppressed” group and the Jews aren’t considered oppressed, except by themselves.

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