Filing That Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Could End Your Productive Days

I moved to Los Angeles in 1994 and met an attractive female attorney in her late 20s. We never dated but we were friendly. I flirted with her and she found me amusing.

Then she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against her employer. The process put her through the wringer. Within a year, she’d lost her looks. She ended losing the lawsuit and her emotional equilibrium.

I don’t think she’s been sexually harassed since she hit the wall.

Filing that lawsuit was the worst thing she ever did (aside from not marrying when she was hot).

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Dog Breeds Are Just A Social Construct

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No Enemies On The Right?

The Alt Right has no power, so there’s no rational reason to fear them right now.

On the other hand, the major American Jewish organizations such as the ADL do have power, and they are all united behind pushing for immigration amnesty and for restricting free speech.

If you found poisonous snakes in your bedroom, who would you hate? The snakes or the people who put them there? The major Jewish organizations, including the Orthodox Union and Agudas Yisrael, support immigration amnesty. They want no limits on the numbers of refugees America accepts. In other words, they want to flood my bedroom with poisonous snakes. Their own bedroom are safe because they are rich and can afford to live in good areas with plentiful security. But for ordinary people, an influx of low IQ types means life becomes more dangerous and unpleasant.


These Jewish organizations all demanded amnesty for undocumented immigrants in the United States, invoking the language of the Torah about our obligation to do kindness to the stranger in our midst. They have largely remained silent, however, in the face of Israel’s rounding up and forcible deportation of African asylum seekers. They should all be held to account for their hypocrisy – especially because the Torah was referring to how we treat non-Jews in Israel, not the United States.

National Organizations
American Forum of Russian Jewry (AFRJ)
American Jewish Committee
Anti‐Defamation League
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
B’nai B’rith International
Bukharian Jewish Congress of the USA and Canada
HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Jewish Council on Public Affairs
Jewish Federations of North America
National Council of Jewish Women
Orthodox Union
Rabbinical Assembly
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Tikkun Olam Commission of the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Union for Reform Judaism
Uri L’Tzedek
Women of Reform Judaism

Local Organizations
AJC Cincinnati
AJC Cleveland
AJC Houston
AJC Los Angeles
AJC New York
AJC Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey
Anti‐Defamation League of Eastern PA and Southern NJ
Congregation Meor Hachaim of Luna Park (New York, NY)
FEGS Health & Human Services (New York, NY)
Greater Philadelphia Jewish Coalition on Immigration
HIAS Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (Boston, MA)
Jewish Community Action (St. Paul, MN)
Jewish Community Center at Starrett City (New York, NY)
Jewish Community Relations Council of Philadelphia
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (Chicago, IL)
Jewish Family & Career Services (Atlanta, GA)
Jewish Family & Children’s Service (Pittsburgh, PA)
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of the East Bay (Berkeley, CA)
Jewish Family Service of Buffalo & Erie County New York
Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts, Inc.
Jewish Family Services (Ann Arbor, MI)
Jewish Labor Committee Western Region (Los Angeles, CA)
Jewish Social Policy Action Network (Philadelphia, PA)
Jewish Vocational Service of MetroWest (East Orange, NJ)
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (New York, NY)
Massachusetts Board of Rabbis (Newton, MA)
National Council of Jewish Women ‐ Greater Philadelphia
National Council of Jewish Women Texas State Policy Advocates
UJA‐Federation of New York
Women of Vision (Philadelphia, PA)

By pushing for immigration amnesty, these groups are trying to pour poison into my bloodstream, so I react strongly against these people who are trying to kill me and my country.

Let’s talk about the Eucalyptus Question.

I am not opposed to all non-native species. I think many of them benefit us.

On the other hand, I want there to be places in Southern California with only native vegetation. I don’t want invasive species wiping out all of the natives. I only welcome non-native species to the extent that they can be controlled and used for our benefit. And I think the same way about human immigration. I don’t want so many immigrants that America loses its heritage. I don’t want organized elites to strangle native cultures and replace them with massive immigration.

Some immigrants are an excellent fit with their new country. For example, I think all historically Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United States, Canada, England and Australia should reclaim their Anglo-Saxon heritage and have easy immigration and trade between fellow Anglos. When it comes to Jews, those from Western Europe are going to be a much easier fit for Western countries than Jews from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. German Jews, in particular, have been an enormous blessing to the world.

I Googled native vs non-native vegetation in Southern California and found this list. By the descriptions, I think it provides a good case against certain non-native vegetation and how at times a smart society will seek to prevent any importation of these invasive species.

* Alligatorweed, also known as pig weed, is a pernicious invasive plant that was first discovered in Alabama way back in 1897. It’s native to South America, but was transported to North America through ballast water. It forms dense, pervasive mats that make it hard for native species to thrive. It can also impact boating, fishing, and swimming.

* The water hyacinth is known among botanists as one of the worst aquatic plants in the world. While it’s native to South America, it has infested freshwater regions of California. It’s sold in big box and garden stores because of its beautiful flowers, but tends to grow and reproduce at astonishing rates, leading to millions of dollars per year in plant management fees.

* Another invasive aquatic plant, hydrilla probably originated in Asia before making its way to California around the 1950s. It came through the aquarium trade, escaping into local freshwater areas. It’s found in deserts, the San Francisco Bay Area, and even in more remote areas like Shasta. Typically, it forms mats like the water hyacinth above, blocking water flow and causing millions of dollars of damages.

* The Uruguay water-primrose is a noxious weed that invades the water ecosystems in California and many other areas of the western United States. Again, it is a mat-forming plant that has bright yellow-orange flowers. It’s been in California for over two decades, but is growing at an alarming rate, making it a growing concern for plant biologists and conservationists.

* Giant Salvinia looks kind of like floating mushrooms or heads of lettuce. It’s yet another plant that made its way to California from South America via the aquarium trade. As a serious threat to lakes, ponds, and rivers, it will completely cover water surfaces and create stagnant waters in once-moving streams. On top of that, these thick mats will often become havens for mosquitoes.

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The Case For Electric Cars

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Gasoline cars transmit 20% of the energy in gasoline to forward motion, electric cars transmit 60%. So though the ultimate source of energy is oil, electric is more efficient. Gasoline cars throw away lots energy as heat.

* Right now the Tesla brand is valuable precisely because it DOESN’T have a track record. It is the empty vessel into which people can pour their high tech dreams. The actual cars – not so hot. The build quality on the Model 3 sucks and the blank dashboard with only a center screen is stupid and forces you to take your eyes off the road.

GM for example, by contrast does have a 100+ year record of building cars, but the problem is that the record sucks. People remember the dud Chevette that their dad bought and they vow never to buy a GM product again. If Tesla could take the Chevy Bolt and stick a Tesla logo on it , they could put another $10K on the sticker.

The “Buy American” thing is just a canard. Musk himself is an immigrant (S. Africa). I’m sure that once Tesla’s scale is big enough it will open factories in other countries (China) like every other auto manufacturer. In the end, an automaker is just a bunch of factories and Tesla, right now, has exactly 1 factory. In California, which is maybe not really the best location for a factory.

The Germans are relatively nowhere with electric cars. The Mercedes brand means nothing to consumers when it comes to electric cars. People don’t want sedans anymore period. Everyone wants SUVs. The Germans make them too, but at US factories.

An electric car is partly a car and partly an electronic device. Who is good at building high quality cars – the Japanese (and the Koreans are catching up fast). Who is good at building electronics? The Japanese and the Koreans (in Chinese factories).

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Rob Reiner Celebrates The Browning Of America

California is now 37.7% white.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Why don’t Rob Reiner and his ilk organize a huge Freedom Ride, buses and all, to Mexico City? You know, protest the continued subjugation of the native Mexico population by those white (but Mexican) descendants of the Conquistadores?

That would give him something to do…and he could, you know, free Mexicans from oppression by their rulers.

* On a technical note, Malibu is unincorporated. So is Montecito, recently in the news. If you live on the east side of the country you might not understand this. Malibu is located in the County of Los Angeles but not in the City of Los Angeles. Malibu is patrolled by LA county sheriffs. State troopers confine their services to the proximity of Highway 1.

From a libertarian perspective, the best place to live in Southern California is Silver Strand on the south side of Oxnard. There is no entrance for State cops. And county cops don’t go there without a warrant or 911 call. It’s very expensive.

* Mexicans and Central Americans must be frightened to death of brown people. Why else are they so desperate to flee their own brown nations to come to a less brown America? And why do illegals react with abject terror at the prospect of being sent back home to be with fellow brown people? Why is their ‘dream’ staying away from their own nations than being returned to them?

And non-whites must be frightened to death of their own non-white nations. Why else do they try so hard to move to Europe, Canada, Australia, or America? Why do they come here to have babies? Every year, countless non-whites apply to permanently move to white majority nations.

Most of these non-whites lack the will and determination to reform and fix their own nations. The West made great advances because of the agency of individuals to make a difference. They had the gall to face their own problems and fix them. Most non-whites lack such will and are incapable of fixing their own societies that remain corrupt or backward. So, their shortcut to a good life is moving to white nations and enjoying the fruits of what whites struggled so hard to achieve.

Jews like Reiner are frightened to death of any solid gentile majority. That’s why they used Nakba to get rid of Palestinian majority that was replaced by a Jewish majority, and Jews have allowed only Jewish immigration and pro-Jewish natal policies to maintain Jewish majority in Israel.
Nothing frightens Israeli Jews more than becoming a minority like whites in South Africa. Palestinian majority had to be destroyed for Jews to turn Palestine into Israel, a Jewish state.
In the US and European nations, Jews cannot hope to become the majority. So, how do they break the power of the gentile majority? Via diversity of Mexicans in the US and of Muslims in Europe. Former white societies are then divided between white and non-white. More crucially, they are divided between white conservatives who are wary of demographic changes and white globalists who embrace diversity and love to virtue-signal by rules of PC. No more white unity. Those wedges make for further penetration of Jewish power.

As for whites who grew up in postwar era, they inherited the good life made possible by their predecessors. Because they didn’t have to struggle to make the world better, they failed to appreciate all the hard work that went into making the West. If anything, the cult of ‘white guilt’ mislead them into thinking white success owed to nothing more than exploitation of non-whites.

Also, the positive drive for improvement turned sclerotic and began to attack itself. In a world with lots of problems, the will for reform and improvement wages war on problems and produces results. But once those changes have been achieved, the reformist zeal may remain. Since there are no great problems to tackle anymore, the energy turns into PC and begins to attack imaginary monsters within and deludes itself into thinking worshiping something like Diversity. Meanwhile, good times drive others to decadence and debauchery. What is Disney but a whore factory for young girls?

Globalists understood this mindset among Northern Europeans especially. Northern European success owes to passion and courage for reform. But the spirit remained even after the necessary reforms have been achieved. It still wants to do ‘good work’ and is restless for the next great struggle. So, why not manipulate that spirit into serving PC?
This puritanist zeal is also susceptible to debauchery since hyper-moralism is hard and repressive. All great moral struggles require sacrifice and commitment. Work ethic and Reform ethic requires sobriety and seriousness. Great things are achieved, but people feel cheated of fun and pleasure. So, it is no surprise that northern European types have taken to homos and blacks as objects of their sympathy and admiration. Blacks and homos sure know how to have fun.

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