Stephen Miller, Steve Sailer & John Podhoretz

According to, 26% of John Podhoretz‘s 121,000 Twitter followers are fake and 29% are inactive.

According to the same site, 19% of Steve Sailer‘s followers are fake and 37% are inactive.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Miller stands accused of being a self-hating Jew, by virtue of his failing to support perpetually open borders, thereby putting the interests of his fellow Americans above those of his fellow Jews.

* Mr. Miller is clearly an American who is Jewish and is trying to do the best for the country and his fellow citizens.

Over the years it’s become impossible to ignore the exaggerated sense of grievance and paranoia so common among American Jews that sees so many things as antisemitism or provocation or even as an existential threat to their very existence. This is sad because the intolerance, aggression and authoritarianism they advance to fight these phantom menaces occupying their paranoid fantasies will inevitably fuel their existence in reality.

Their paranoid dreams could be giving birth to their worst nightmares.

* Ethnocentric, patriotic, it’s all very complicated with Jews.

Jews like Podhoretz could say their pro-diversity immigration position is neo-patriotic and anti-ethnocentric because they believe American is an Idea that should be open to all the world.

In contrast, Trumpers cling to vision of white-majority America.

However, it could also be argued that Jewish globalists push to increase diversity in the US to further Jewish ethnocentric interests, i.e. as the ruling minority elite, Jews feel more secure in a nation without an overwhelming gentile majority.

* JPod has so little to offer as an intellectual nemesis. His entire repertoire of attack revolves around appeals to an arbitrary, volatile moral code that has existed for perhaps half a dozen years and will probably be vastly diffferent in half a dozen more. In that sense, he has no moral base and thus no real understanding of right and wrong – just a set of views that morph to whatever his intellectual superiors proclaim is socially pious. His sole motivation for engaging people on Twitter is to read the electronic canon of his evolving religion and outcast those who question that orthodoxy as “reprllant filth.”

That noted, it must be mentally tiresome for leftists like him to constantly have to redefine what “Nazi” means.

* Jpod’s tactic is dirty, but it works a lot. Jews and blacks know it’s the kryptonite they can use on the white gentile anytime to put him in his place.

Jews also see themselves as the ultimate arbiters of who qualify as Good Whites and who don’t. But I wouldn’t worry about it too much Steve. It’s kinda hard to “Goy, Bye” an independent blogger.

Do you and Mr. Podhoretz have any mutual friends who can help mediate this fracas and nip it in the bud? Lawsuits are ugly.

Steve Sailer is a veteran pundit who has battled in the trenches for decades but I can imagine this is still very hard on him. Just imagine a 19-year old white man from flyover country entering university for the first time. Do you think he gets to benefit from a healthy exchange of ideas and his ideas will be given a fair hearing? Especially on questions like immigration, race relations, crime, etc. If he deviates out of line just a little bit, he will be shunned and be the subject of Jpod-style vitriol.

Another reason to bring back all-white colleges.

* I miss the days when these people at least tried to follow the first corollary to Godwin’s Law.

So, now that Podhoretz the Lesser has linked to this post, are any of his fans here, reading the comments? Would any of them like to defend this buffoon? What value do you get from reading him, if any?

* JPod at Wikipedia:

At The Weekly Standard, one staff member said, Podhoretz’s “arrogance and egotism had a psychological effect people can’t quite believe.” At The Washington Times a colleague reported, he was “permanently frozen in juvenalia.” Glenn Garvin, the Central American bureau chief of the Miami Herald, once said that at the Times, Podhoretz “constantly complained that his brilliance wasn’t appreciated.”

* I’d like Podhoretz to explain, in detail, what policies he supports and what policies he opposes in regards to American immigration policy, and then give the his same take on Israeli immigration policy.

From what I can tell, Donald Trump’s immigration policy wish list is well to the left of actual, current Israeli immigration policy; but somehow Trump’s policy is racist but Netanyahu’s is not.

It would be hard for Podhoretz to argue that he’s American and therefore Israeli immigration policy is none of his business, given that he happens to think that the policy of every other foreign country on pretty much everything is his business.

And if you’re bothering to read this JPod (and we know you are) feel free to add some comments in your defense. Sailer has shown the willingness to fight on your turf. When are you going to show the courage to fight on his?

* JPod is the living embodiment of regression to the mean, although it’s incredible that there could that much in only one generation. He would never post on here. His fat corpulent head would explode trying to explain how Steve is a loser when Steve’s strategy won Trump the Presidency, the same guy who is now is staring down and making blink Schumer and the Dems in Congress and the RINOS in his own party. This is something the Bushes never managed to do in 12 years in the White House, among other facts like ones you mentioned.

* JPod taking out his daddy issues on Steve.

* Looking over JPod’s recent twitter I see he called Paul Nehlen a Nazi, and also said “Paul Nehlen is so annoying I think Himmler would have had him killed just to shut him up”. I found that Howard Stern is also occasionally repellent. Hogan Gidley was “a loathsome little careerist pipsqueak”. That Twitter should have a talking stick to get Seth Abramson to shut up. All this just in the last day. So it looks like Steve Sailer merely walked into the firing range of a mass shooter.

* I have no inside knowledge, but the first time I became aware of Mr. Podhoretz’s intense feelings was a sequence of exchanges in summer 2005 triggered by discussions of birthright citizenship and Hurricane Katrina:

7/11/2005 – JPod triggered by Derb’s criticism of birthright citizenship

7/13/2005 – JPod calls Sailer “a scum”

7/17/2005 – Sailer cites Norman Podhoretz contra JPod

9/3/2005 – Sailer commits an act of Unauthorized Noticing

9/5/2005 – JPod triggered; early use of “point ‘n’ sputter”

9/7/2005 – Sailer cites Commentary and AEI contra JPod

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How Your Politics Can Change Your Physiology

Left-wingers and right-wingers not only see the world differently, as Jonathan Haidt explains, they experience the world different. Much of our political orientation comes from our biology.

I wonder if your politics can change your physiology?

When I think back over my life, I don’t recall getting offended, but when I push my introspecting, I recall getting upset much more offend when I was experimenting with the Marxist worldview (from ages 19-22). Then racism and blaming the poor would often cause a heartfelt emotional reaction in me, much like what women have. I’d get a major case of the feelz.

Aside from those three years, I’ve been right-wing. In recent years, I’ve moved further to the right — meaning even more against equality. I’ve come to see conflicts in Darwinian terms — that different forms of life have different interests that often place them in life and death conflicts with other forms of life. Along with a Darwinian worldview comes reduced belief in the capacity for freedom of choice. As one reduces one’s belief in free will, there’s less reason to get upset about other people’s choices.

So, for me, I find a right-wing perspective leads to me rarely if ever getting offended, while a left-wing point of view led to me constantly getting offended. The feeling of offense triggered changes in my body chemistry while the feeling of being beyond offense creates a feeling of solidity. That’s why I wonder if a worldview might change your physiology down to the cellular level.

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Trump’s jargon is infectious

Virginia Heffernan writes:

Donald Trump’s triglycerides are 129. His fasting blood glucose is 89. His alanine transaminase is 27. He’s fine. He seems to be hewing to norms, for once.

But to hear the presidential physician tell it, Trump is bionic. In a news conference, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson hailed Trump’s health as “excellent” eight times. He padded his encomium with steroidal intensifiers. Incredibly. Exceptionally. Hands down. He sounded awestruck: “He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him.”

It was chilling to hear a doctor underscore Trump’s oft-expressed faith in his own genetic superiority. When Trump himself gives this “good genes” spiel, it often dovetails with his broader ideology of white supremacy. But more shuddery still was hearing Jackson pipe Trump’s special brand of overheated self-congratulation.

We know this plot by now: A man of apparent self-possession disappears into an examining room or a golf cart with the president — and comes out hollow-eyed, body-snatched and programmed with Trump’s own pieties.

Earlier this month, the journalist Maggie Haberman tweeted, “Three Trump advisors have commented privately at various points that people around him/close to him begin to act like him.” This phenomenon goes for the media too. As Katy Waldman wrote in Slate: “Trump’s tics continue to seep into the way we write and speak, whether we think we’re being ironic or just can’t help ventriloquizing the man on everyone’s mind. We’re all the puppet.”

Sure, there are those lost souls who take up the full bow-and-scrape routine: Vice President Mike Pence, attorney Michael Cohen, Don Jr., some in the Cabinet. Hope for them is gone. But what of the less likely Trump imitators who have forfeited actual dignity to act like him? One year ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, no one’s idea of a pushover, threw over his establishment Hebrew in favor of Trump’s cloying imbecility. “President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.”

Similarly, as Trump was getting close to President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi of Egypt in the fall, the Egyptian government waxed Trumpian to mark a deadly attack on a mosque in the Sinai: “As usual, deplorable @CNN coverage of Sinai tragedy today. Anchor more interested in reporters access to Sinai than in those who lost their lives!!!”

Trump almost certainly counts the rhetorical subordination of these men as a win. After all, he devised his interpersonal strategies in the 1970s, when mentally dominating others was considered a fine art. The manual for “corporate warfare” in those days was “Power!” by Michael Korda, who ran in Trump’s circles.

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Is Trump Having An Affair With Nikki Haley?

From The Wrap:

“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff’s accusation that President Trump is currently having an affair set off online speculation Saturday about who the other party might be. Based on Wolff’s clues, it appears he’s making insinuations about UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

A quick side note before we go further: This is gross on every level. We don’t have any evidence whatsoever to suggest that what Wolff is hinting at is true, so please consider this a story about an author making an accusation he admits he can’t prove.

That said, Wolff went on “Real Time With Bill Maher” Friday to provide some encouragement to readers who may have given up halfway through “Fire and Fury” when he said a passage near the end of his book hints at the affair.

“Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph you’re going to say bingo,” Wolff told Maher.

We’ve read the book. While there are icky descriptions about Trump’s behavior with his spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, they come before the book’s midway point. (“You’re the best piece of tail he’ll ever have!” Trump is quoted as telling Hicks about an ex, which Wolff says sent Hicks “running from the room.”)

The only passage we’ve found near the end of the book that references a Trump relationship with a woman who isn’t his wife or daughter is this one:

By October, however, many on the president’s staff took particular notice of one of the few remaining Trump opportunists: Nikki Haley, the UN ambassador. Haley — ‘as ambitious as Lucifer,” in the characterization of one member of the senior staff — had concluded that Trump’s tenure would last, at best, a single term, and that she, with requisite submission, could be his heir apparent. Haley had courted and befriended Ivanka, and Ivanka had brought her into the family circle, where she had become a particular focus of Trump’s attention, and he of hers.

Bingo? Wolff adds that Trump “had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One and was seen to be grooming her for a political future.”

Wolff cited one “senior Trumper” who said the problem with Trump mentoring Haley “is that she is so much smarter than him.”

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Sundance film festival debuts dark tale of Jewish triplets split at birth

From Times of Israel:

The triplets, it turned out, were among a number of identical siblings split up as part of a dark 1960s “nature versus nurture” social experiment led by psychoanalyst Peter Neubauer of the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services in Manhattan.

Visits by researchers throughout their childhoods were explained away as a “child development study” when in reality Neubauer was scrutinizing the brothers’ personalities and relationships with their very diverse adoptive families.

“We really didn’t understand just how egregiously these people behaved,” said Kellman, who told AFP all six adoptive parents were angered that they too had been kept in the dark.

“As we got older, got married, became parents ourselves, we realized how impactful it was.”

…No one has ever apologized to Shafran or Kellman, and the Jewish Board declined to take part in the documentary.

A spokeswoman told AFP it was “committed to providing identified Neubauer study participants access to their records in a timely and transparent manner.”

It is not the kind of language that sits easily with the brothers, however.

“They refer to us as participants,” says Kellman. “We weren’t participants, we were victims.”

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