Holocaust Facts: Where Does the Figure of 6 Million Victims Come From?

From Haaretz:

One of the most well-known, if not iconic, facts known about the Holocaust is the number of Jewish victims killed by Nazi Germany up through the end of World War II. Perhaps not surprisingly, it is also this number – six million – that Holocaust deniers aim at when trying to discredit the essential nature of the Holocaust.

Where did the number six million come from? And considering the amount of original research that has been done in recent decades, is it still considered accurate by scholars of the subject?

The number seems to have first been mentioned by Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, an Austrian-born official in the Third Reich and a trained historian who served in a number of senior positions in the SS.

In November 1945, Hoettl testified for the prosecution in the Nuremberg trials of accused Nazi war criminals. Later, in the 1961 trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, he also submitted to a lengthy series of questions from the prosecution, speaking under oath from a courtroom in Austria.

On both occasions, he described a conversation he had had with Eichmann, the SS official who had principal responsibility for the logistics of the Jewish genocide, in Budapest in August 1944. In the 1961 testimony, Hoettl recalled how Eichmann told me that, according to his information, some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then — 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.

On its website, Yad Vashem, Israels principal Holocaust research center, quotes the Eichmann reference, and then says that both early and more recent estimates by a variety of different scholars have fallen between five and six million.

Such estimates are arrived at by comparing pre-war census data with population estimates made after World War II. The Germans, though they treated their plan for annihilation of the Jews as a state secret of the highest order, also kept scrupulous records of deportations and gassings, which also serve as a vital source of data.

One of the earliest researchers, Raul Hilberg, came up with a figure of 5.1 million in his 1961 classic The Destruction of the European Jews. In the third edition, from 1985, he provides a lengthy appendix explaining how he calculated the estimate.

Lucy Dawidowicz, in her The War Against the Jews (1975), used prewar birth and death records to come up with a more precise figure of 5,933,900. And one of the more authoritative German scholars of the subject, Wolfgang Benz, offered a range of 5.3 to 6.2 million. Each used his or her own method to arrive at the totals.

Yad Vashem itself also has its Names Database, an ongoing project in which it attempts to collect the name of every Jewish victim of the Nazis. It relies on testimony from family and friends of those who perished, official archives from the period, and local commemoration projects. As of early 2012, Yad Vashem estimated that the database contained the names of a little over four million different individuals (an exact number is not yet possible because it believes that some hundreds of thousands of people appear in multiple records).

One of the largest sources of uncertainty concerns the number of Jews murdered in the Soviet Union. Whereas the Jews of the countries of Europe occupied by the Germans were for the most part deported to death camps, where fairly good records were kept, the murders in the USSR were carried out by Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units), as the German army made its way east. Their records were far less comprehensive, so that it is possible only to make a rough estimate of the numbers of Jews killed – generally between 800,000 and 1 million.

The overall death and destruction that took place during World War II may well be beyond human comprehension. Historians estimate that military casualties on all sides, in both the European and Pacific theaters, reached up to 25 million, and that civilian casualties ranged from 38 million to as high a figure as 55 million – meaning that somewhere between 3 and 4 percent of the worlds total population died in the conflict.

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Why Are So Many Hardcore Immigration Restrictionists Jews?

From the Reddit thread:

Earlier today, the Trump administration seemed to offer the possibility of granting amnesty not just to 800k DACAns but 1.8 million Dreamers. Immediately, the Republican hardliners jumped on this as a horrible idea. The loudest voices so far have been Mark Levin and Daniel Horowitz (from Conservative Review).

Between Levin, Horowitz, and Stephen Miller, 3 of the most extreme voices on nativistic polices are Jews. Add this to the fac tthat Levin has been harping on and off recently about the Democrats trying to change the ethnic composition of America, and we have a borderline “White genocide” comment by a conservative Jew.

Why this phenomeonon? Is it because Jews can get away with saying these type of things in a “PC environment”?

* Jews are overrepresented in every political movement, demographic nationalism included.

Ultimately, most Jews identify with Whites and White culture, perhaps moreso than most Whites (see, for example, the stunning overrepresentation of Jews in orchestral music). It’s no surprise that many Jews should be strongly opposed to the demographic replacement of Whites in their own countries.

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Discussing Western Identities On Warski Live (1-25-18)

From the live comments on the Warski Youtube video:

* I never heard of Luke Ford before this. I really liked him. He had a lot of great points and argued well.

* He’s an interesting character. He’s converted to judaism and has a habit of calling everyone else “Goy”, which is odd…because that is what he actually is. A Goy. He’s not a real jew. I guess we could call him an unapologetic Traitor. I really can’t figure him out. One thing that annoys me about him is that he regularly talks about IQ…which too many folks are doing these days. The fight needs to be about culture. Bitching about intelligence will just make the enemy more spiteful.

* Statistically speaking the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners in a year, while the average heterosexual man has 8 in his lifetime. 43% admit to over 500 partners in a lifetime, 28% to over 1,000 or more, and 79% of which were total strangers. 78% of homosexuals have STDs. 41% say they have had sex with strangers in a public restroom. Depending on the city 39-59% of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites like worms, flukes, and amoebae. 33% of homosexuals ADMIT to child molestation/child rape.

* 23:00 What Luke Ford misses here is that absence of nationalism carries as much of a risk for genocide – only its a genocide of those who had abstained from it.

* Luke is a good guy – you should watch his talks on the Culture of Critique on his channel.

* Luke plays both sides of the fence. He is hilarious and his podcasts are great, but he is sorely mistaken on several key issues, and is a flat out denier of Christ. One of my issues w Luke, is that he sides with the Jews in that they believe the “Jesus”, figure, was indeed a false messiah. I personally see the “logic”, or “logos”, in many of Jesus teachings, because they make a lot of sense, even if he did not exist and the entire story is myth, they resonate with truth to me.

* He has a youtube channel with some interesting conversation, he’s interviewed Richard Spencer and others there too i’d encourage you to check it out.

* Why doesn’t he keep the beard if he is orthodox????

* All the better to blend in and subvert the host culture. Ben Shapiro and Kushner are also Orthodox…and they’re clean shaven as can be. Seriously, though…I guess beards are just not a requirement.

* I’ve met Luke in real life. He’s an interesting guy full of contradictions.

His current anti-porn stance is genuine, but he has a chequered past with it. He was slightly cowardly here not to admit that, just before his “porn gossip” career, he actually directed a porn movie, under the pseudonym “Dick Dundee”.

I’m not condemning him for it. Actually I think his experience of the industry gives him better insight. He’s a good example of someone who had a personal struggle between self-indulgent hedonism and spiritual purity.

* Vee, you say that it’s not useful to you if you’re told a patient is white. You need more information. The example you used was that if he was Romanian, you’d know that he was predisposed to tuberculosis. However, you yourself said that there are SOME things you can tell with only the descriptor “white.” You named two: blood pressure and testosterone, both of which you expect to be lower in whites than in blacks. So there is some level of difference between white and black people. Now, if you are given a Romanian person, you know that you expect lower blood pressure and testosterone than you would expect in a black person, AND you know that he is predisposed to tuberculosis. It’s a subdivision within a subdivision. It’s as JF says: you can divide the human race into four races or six hundred races. It all depends on how granular you want to be.

* I love how Vee brings up North Korea and the Jew Luke is able to respond with such clarity, and he is right! Please start a channel Luke, I will subscribe, and next time someone calls me an anti-semite, you’re my shield.

Genetically, North and South Koreans are very similar.
The governmental system is different, North Korea is a statistical outlier. Using it as an example does bring up some nice discussions however. I would personally say that North Koreans are only kept down due to their government, and the insane Orwellian state.

Think about it. GDP wise (I know GDP isn’t everything), North Korea is similar to Sudan. But what do they have? North Korea has nukes and massive armies, Sudan has jack fucking shit. This already shows that North Korea is a very capable nation, unironically. They are able to maintain a nation at borderline starvation, whilst also maintaining an army. There is pretty much no other nation that can do this. IQ wise, Koreans score a 106, just 1 point above Chinese and Japanese at 105. I have no doubt that North Korean’s average IQ is above 100.

The problem with a merit based immigration system is that it unequivocally screws their homeland. If for instance all IQ 130+ people are to form a state tomorrow, the rest of the world would just be fucked. We have an elite state of superhumans and the rest are shit. I am not necessarily against merit based strictly controlled immigration, I just hope all nations will provide better educational systems so there isn’t a shortage of said professions. A white nation needs doctors? Sure, fill in the gap for now, and the next sensible step should be training your own doctors. Black nations need farmers? Time to train some farmers then. I do not believe that farming needs any sort of sophistry like actuarial studies.

Eastern Asians? Yeah, we are collectivist overly (people like me are an outlier and seen as race traitors), high IQ, low crimes, low STDs, cohesive… blah blah. But we are very tribal, not creative, our minds are linear, and we are extremely predisposed to tyrannical rule and have a state slave mentality.

I like this Jew, a redpilled Jew.
Remember, Jewland is for the Jews; goyland is for the goys.
Gas chambers are only for commies.

* Luke, full alt right person here. You’re okay. I wish more people of the abrahamic persuasion had your ideological consistency.

* Vee was unclear on the issue of demographics. I agree about carefully vetting immigrants for good fits but I don’t think them being merely good fits makes them psychologically identical to us. And if they’re not identical to us in at least that regard then a replacement of the native population with these foreign peoples will have significant consequences.

Vee bemoans the empty consumerist American culture that has pervaded throughout the world, but still embraces the cold-blooded individualist meritocracy that led invariably to that empty nihilistic culture. Economy is crucial for our well-being, but it’s not everything. And its dangerous to sacrifice all other human concerns at the alter of economics (I don’t know where this misguided notion of primacy with regard to the economics came from). Countless developing nations are shit precisely due to a soft imperialism through transnational corporations from America: it sells its mass-produced products at low prices there which stifles development of native industries; and America siphons off the best of their people, sending them to “the land of opportunity”. When one thinks purely as an individual, they don’t think in terms of the well-being of their fellow-countrymen. They think entirely for self-gain and why bother investing in your country when you can just take thew easy way out and go to America? Alternatively, being nationalistic will drive these people to invest in local industry, bring them together which in turn would give them a sense of pride and happiness in being something that’s bigger than their individual selves, and ultimately give them a culture far richer and more durable than America’s soul-crushing commercialist culture that Vee himself dreads.

As I’ve said before, America is on steroids. It’s vacuuming the world of its resources and people, throwing them all into a blender for short-term economic boost at the expense of long term sociological devastation via radical demographic change. Don’t be a chump and fall for the diversity/individualist/meritocracy memes. America’s world hegemony is not gonna last. Both China and Russia know this and are biding their time.

I take issue with Vee’s comments on the solution for America.

Firstly, to what degree can non-whites be tamed and conditioned to operate individualistically given the biological differences between races? Even with the most intelligent and capable group, the Jews, their preservation throughout the past two millennia have been predicated upon in-group preference and cultural isolationism. Without these practices they would’ve dissolved into the greater European mass long ago and ceased to exist as a distinct people. Asking them to abandon their tribalism is tantamount to asking them to go extinct. I doubt Jews are gonna risk easement on behalf of a few lolberalists.

Secondly, to prevent ethnic splintering, assuming this is even possible, would require leftists and Jews in the media to stop race bating. You can’t do this without state coercion. Is throwing our first amendment under the bus really worth this silly multicultural experiment?

Thirdly, what were to happen if this the state-enforced individualism falters in the future and we’re only a fraction of the population? The risk of genocide would be too great for this route to be worthwhile.

Lastly, he associates collectivism with communism. For me, collectivism begins wherever individualism ends. And his definition of individualism differs from mine. For me, individualism precludes any type of group association.

* Vee was unclear on the issue of demographics. I agree about carefully vetting immigrants for good fits but I don’t think them being merely good fits makes them psychologically identical to us. And if they’re not identical to us in at least that regard then a replacement of the native population with these foreign peoples will have significant consequences.

Vee bemoans the empty consumerist American culture that has pervaded throughout the world, but still embraces the cold-blooded individualist meritocracy that led invariably to that empty nihilistic culture. Economy is crucial for our well-being, but it’s not everything. And its dangerous to sacrifice all other human concerns at the alter of economics (I don’t know where this misguided notion of primacy with regard to the economics came from). Countless developing nations are shit precisely due to a soft imperialism through transnational corporations from America: it sells its mass-produced products at low prices there which stifles development of native industries; and America siphons off the best of their people, sending them to “the land of opportunity”. When one thinks purely as an individual, they don’t think in terms of the well-being of their fellow-countrymen. They think entirely for self-gain and why bother investing in your country when you can just take thew easy way out and go to America? Alternatively, being nationalistic will drive these people to invest in local industry, bring them together which in turn would give them a sense of pride and happiness in being something that’s bigger than their individual selves, and ultimately give them a culture far richer and more durable than America’s soul-crushing commercialist culture that Vee himself dreads.

As I’ve said before, America is on steroids. It’s vacuuming the world of its resources and people, throwing them all into a blender for short-term economic boost at the expense of long term sociological devastation via radical demographic change. Don’t be a chump and fall for the diversity/individualist/meritocracy memes. America’s world hegemony is not gonna last. Both China and Russia know this and are biding their time.

I take issue with Vee’s comments on the solution for America.

Firstly, to what degree can non-whites be tamed and conditioned to operate individualistically given the biological differences between races? Even with the most intelligent and capable group, the Jews, their preservation throughout the past two millennia have been predicated upon in-group preference and cultural isolationism. Without these practices they would’ve dissolved into the greater European mass long ago and ceased to exist as a distinct people. Asking them to abandon their tribalism is tantamount to asking them to go extinct. I doubt Jews are gonna risk easement on behalf of a few lolberalists.

Secondly, to prevent ethnic splintering, assuming this is even possible, would require leftists and Jews in the media to stop race bating. You can’t do this without state coercion. Is throwing our first amendment under the bus really worth this silly multicultural experiment?

Thirdly, what were to happen if this the state-enforced individualism falters in the future and we’re only a fraction of the population? The risk of genocide would be too great for this route to be worthwhile.

Lastly, he associates collectivism with communism. For me, collectivism begins wherever individualism ends. And his definition of individualism differs from mine. For me, individualism precludes any type of group association.

* Vee The fact that you can subdivide a race does not mean that knowing a person’s race isn’t useful information, especially when compared to another race. Just because “black” has many subdivisions which differ from each other doesn’t mean they’re all similar to each other and different from “white.” Typical hair splitting.

* Vee asked, What made and makes the west great? These are just my observations from history quickly summarized.

Simplified? The enlightenment. Empowerment of white individuals and the ability to make individual self interest help the group and secular ideologies like Nationalism.

Group identity. While many of the things I will list are highly individual, they’re all designed to make the individual achieve greatness, skill, etc, but at the same time help their group. If this identity is eroded, then the entire system cannot work. This is why we have so many problems today, any identity that is taken seriously and has power over hearts, minds, and values, that is not the group, will ultimately help erode the entire system.

Metaphysical conception of the group based in material founding and created to serve that material founding. When the group is something rooted in reality but becomes a metaphysical concept, for example, the white race, this identity is ultimately more powerful than any religion that is based within abstract foundations for the metaphysical, such as Christianity or Islam, which exist to serve no ethnic people (material), but rather only god (abstract) and biological interest trumps religious ones. One does not need to look any further than the 20th century to understand how powerful a metaphysical concept can be when it has material roots.

Natural rights lead to self determination which lead to the people having more interest and stake in the destiny of the nation which leads to less apathy and more interest in internal and external matters of the state, which in turns means they will fight for their state in times of conflict on a greater scale, as their interests are locked hand in hand with the state. It also leads to more capable and prosperous individuals which leads to a more prosperous and responsible group when those individuals have a group identity.

Capitalism is a great example of self interest helping the group on an economic level. Person A has a desire or need, person B can fill that desire or need. Both benefit by a consensual interaction. By proxy their society benefits as the individuals within that society have their needs and desires met while depending on and benefiting each other.

Meritocracy. The idea that the most skillful and the best should achieve what is earned, that power over others and resources must be achieved and struggles for produces a culture that will value those who can over come struggle, and one thing that is eternal is struggle. It also ensures that the hierarchy within the nation and people is as productive as possible.

Nuclear family. Nothing can be more important than the raising of children within a productive and safe environment. One where they can be nurtured and tempered, to become the next generation of thinkers, fighters, builders, mothers, doctors, leaders, etc. This is the best system for such a goal.

In summarizing, individual empowerment, achievement, and nurturing for the benefit of the collective. Two perfect examples of societies that utilized many of these concepts and over came states who did not because of the huge advantages these things gave their societies are the Roman Republic, and Revolutionary/Imperial France.

* Of course there will be in-fighting, nobody contests that. What people contest is the idea that adding in a replacement population of foreigners who have nothing in common with a host population historically, genetically, or otherwise will create a more cohesive society than a historical and homogenous one. This concept of “who cares about mass numbers of foreigners disrupting the cohesiveness of a society when there are already other fracture points” is tactical nihilism. It’s like, “hey, we have a few problems, let’s add even bigger problems to that.” It’s dumb, man. You could even say it’s completely fucking retarded.

* Pornography addiction dulls the mind’s ability to function, as well as imbalances your perspective on relationships and life. What Vee said, albeit insanely stupid, is not surprising coming from him. The guy’s an idiot. I remember he, verbatim, prioritized “muh dick” over bringing his people back above the replacement level. He can be violently obliterated for all I care.

* Its weird when the Jew is the most based guy in the conversation.

* And slowly he began not to hate some of them….

* Amazing debate. I am a gay and I agree with everything u said about homosexuality. Plus we need to save the white race.

* 38:41—Religion is downstream from DNA.
Oh, really? Ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Goodbye, proselytization!

* if you believe religion and DNA are tied then there would be no point trying to get people of different DNA to convert to your religion. How ever we have seen entire nations convert to islam there for i have to reject that hypothesis

* The link isn’t between the specific religion and DNA, it’s between religiosity and DNA. I.e, the degree to which you are religious is determined at least partially by your genotype (depending on the study used you will see a heritability of 0.25 to 0.55), while the specific religion you follow is determined practically solely by the upbringing and culture you are exposed to. It’s analogous to men being predisposed to gravitate towards aggressive sports due to heritable physiological and psychological factors – while this is true, it does not necessarily mean there is a “football gene” or a “hocky gene”.

* What he meant was the religion is seen trough a racial lens and interpreted in line with the nature of the people who are adopting it. African and European Christianity are very different and focus on different things.

* Whole countries “converted” to islam by the sword, what followed is to put ruthless men in power to opress dissenting oppinions(which in the middle-east, are the people who reproduced the most), kinda like what happened to most of europe with christianity, where warlords imposed the religion. The difference is that the DNA makeup or european groups changed dramatically from the time the Roman Empire adopted christianity, see Alternative Hypothesis videos about the culling of criminals, where every generation a 4th of men were executed for one crime or another, and this happened for about 300 years(and the black death wiped out alot of those warlords, and so their genes were wiped out from the genepool). That’s why people today deconvert from christianity in huge numbers to atheism in some form, while muslims and most the rest of the world( with exception east-asians) are now entrenched in their religion they usually do not need strongmen to stay to the faith, because there are no huge minorities of extremely religious people with genes that make them very agressive(and overall their pop are the successors of those strongmen who disproportionately reproduce), and that spread their genes of being, in some sense, religiously agressive, or fundamental might be a better word.
There clearly is, at the least, a genetic component to groups when you compare their religiosity, besides IQ. The top 1% iq in muslim countries are, extremely likely( since i didn’t verify the numbers) extremely less atheist that in the west, regardless of country( and as such regardless of culture).

* Vee This is idiotic. Take Christianity for instance. Do you really think Central American Catholicism is the same as American or European? Do you think that Chinese and African and European and Middle Eastern Christianity don’t reflect the idiosyncrasies of those peoples?

* My disagreement with white nationalists stems from the fact that I don’t see other whites as “my people.” I understand that race exists. I understand that there are genetic differences between races which include things like intelligence. However, I don’t identify with the white race first and foremost. I identify with other libertarians far more than I do with non-libertarian whites, and I identify with Americans far more than I identify with non-American whites. Both of those aspects of my identity are more important to me than my race.

You may say, as Alt Hype suggests, that whites are genetically predisposed toward political ideologies that espouse libertarianism and individual rights. It may even be true. That doesn’t change the fact that I’d rather associate with a black libertarian than a white progressive. Alt Hype, in another Warski stream, characterized this idea by asking if one cares about “race qua race.” He said that he does. I don’t.

* It isn’t about whom you would rather associate with. It is about maintaining a racial composition in society that allows that society to maintain itself and to thrive. You really have a lot to learn. You could start by opening your eyes to what is actually occurring in the world right now.

You have to understand that homogeneity and cohesion on the non-political cultural level is a prerequisite for the stability of whatever type of system you wish to propose. History teaches us this.

In the US, for instance, the maintenance of a constitutional republic based on natural rights and representative democracy was not threatened for nearly 200 years after its establishment. It is only as a result of the demographic changes since 1965 that our system of government and the freedoms we took for granted are under threat.Do you really think the first and second amendments can survive in any recognizable form if this onslaught is allowed to continue?

If you choose not to blame the racial and religious minorities themselves for these threats, that’s all well and good, but understand they are the weapons of the globalist left that manipulate them. Take away the weapons, and you prevent the harm they can do.

Nothing wrong with a libertarian capitalist society, but by now you should understand that it is incompatible with multiculturalism.

* It’s strange to hear an orthodox Jew claiming that genes trump ideology when Judaism itself states that a convert is 100% Jewish, it’s the argument used to define the Ashkenazi as “Jews”. Ideology defined what genetics were passed down in the first place.

* “I don’t think white people are going to commit suicide”

White people do all the time. Many white people commit suicide. Many don’t.
Also, whenever an Alt-Wrong nub says “our people” I assume they mean people of all races I relate too, because they’re who I consider my people. Not white people. White people are not my people. Some are! Not all though 🙂 Because my people are my fellow countrymen, not people who share my skin tone 🙂

Did he just say “articulate” and “richard spencer” in the same sentence? LMAO. The more I listen to this guy speak the dumber I feel myself becoming. Absolute constant twaddle it’s like a hose spraying piss out all over everyone

Liberals 30 years ago absolutely supported gay marriage. You tool. The hippie movement started these conversations. Your gut reacts violently because 2 people you don’t know do something that shouldn’t matter to you? Is this comedy or politics? :L Andy man you really need to start challenging these guys more, maybe get more people against them. I really liked the acedemic agent he called this bullshit out as it arrived.

“10% of guys could go either way” so they’re bisexual? You don’t learn sexuality. Pretty sure that’s been understood for years. This guy is just an absolute joke, just like all alt wrongers

“What kind of cuck doesn’t care if ‘his people'(?) live, I have such contempt for these people” “I’m fucking better than you! II’m better than you hur dur”

These Alt Wrong folks really don’t understand the concept of individuals making their own life choices. I will marry an Asian if I want.I ‘ll enjoy porn if I want. I’ll have an open relationship if I want (I don’t but if I did I would). I will do what I want. I’ll jerk off all day smoking weed, then play games all night. There is nothing you can do about it. That’s the beauty of free countries. If you want these intrusive rules fuck off and make your own sovereign nation. Crowd fund and buy an island and start your little cult of whiteness. You’ll never win in this country because the majority of people despise the air you breath 🙂

Also the other thing, the west is best because of our freedom and liberalism. If you take that way and turn in into a dictatorship, it’ll remain that way until either revolution or conquest. A dictator will never give up his seat for the good of the people

* This Luke Ford guy has figured out the most jewish way to meet pornstars I’ve ever seen.

* Luke Ford always brings a refreshing take on things. Despite a somewhat bizarre, mystifying personal history. I admit to being slightly dubious about about Jewish converts. So much of Judaism is racial rather than religious. Luke is a Goyish-Jew or Jewish-Goy. Still, he is a good advocate for his goyish side.

* i love that analogy, I lived with a pakistani muslim for 18 months and I have a photo of him sat in the eucalyptus tree in my garden. I was just pondering this photo earlier, spooky.

* 37:25 BOOM Headshot…and the bullet travelled all the way to 47:41 to score a 1 shot 2 kill.

* Mr. Ford I am an Israeli Jew, I highly disagree with your idea that an arab that wants to reduce violence and come to terms of peace with Israel should not be respected.

Peace makers, in my view, are heroes to the average citizen who just wants peace and quiet.

Your admiration of those who you perceive to not be cucks about thier piece of land is admirable but I think that it comes from a very single sided view, and American view, a view where your country can basically destroy entire regions of the earth without much of a sweat.

I hope you read this.

* JQ = Jewcalyptus Question 1:38:27

* Ectomorph, Endomorph And Mesomorph should be classified as separate sub species. There is great genetic difference’s at a deep level. We should also do research of IQ for these body shapes such as 1) Ectomorph: Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle 2)Endomorph: Big, high body fat, often pear-shaped, with a high tendency to store body fat. 3) Mesomorph: Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells. Doesn’t matter the color or other race. These are obvious different human races within other races. SO we have to ask if these body shapes have to be separated in a white ethnic state as preferable to be part of this state? Lets also realize Italians are not whites anymore then Jews, including Greeks. Slavic peoples are also by bone structure intelligence also not what we would call European white. Including especially Hungarians who have Asian Magyar blood from eastern Invasions. WE can all see the difference between short fat pear shaped people, tall lean folks or very muscular biker types. Its obvious these are different species by sight if not only genetics. Inuit in Northern Canada are Endomorphs wh pretty much have there own who state becomes most wont live in the climate. Perfect place to put fat short pear shaped PEOPLE WHO PROBABLY ARE GENETICALLY CLOSE TO THEM. At least evolutionary close.

These people can have their own ethnic states such as Poland. Which you have to admire for not race mixing with the mongrel Muslims as does Hungary. All Spanish decent people should be considered none white as well, having been invaded by Islam for centuries, its blood line & genes have been debased . On the other hand except for religion northern India & Iran should be considered white being genetically closer than Slavs or Mediterranean folks.

Knowing all European languages except Maltese or Pyrenees is descended from Sanskrit proves this. Italians have been tainted by so many invasions or inbreeding during the Roman era by the East. WE can have many sub species in black populations as well from Congo pygmies, to almost 7 foot Swahili. To brown Africans. All should be classified as sub species human different sapiens. The same could be said of the Asian peoples, from Vietnamese to Japanese.Also native Indian groups from North America thats are Mongoloid as well. In fact there could also be sub species with in species that look almost the same. Perhaps there are more than a thousand species of human extant.

* My life is complete. I have seen a unicorn. (((Based Jew))) !!!

* The Jew is more red pilled the Warski. The amount of propaganda that I see Warski has swallowed is disheartening, especially when there’s a the equivalent of a unicorn telling him the wise ways of the world. These Jews are few and far between, and Warsky wants to defend degeneracy, really? Being liberal wasn’t always about being a pro queer or tranny. Oh how far we’ve fallen that a Jew feels so bad for us that he can’t stand the embarrassment we must feel that he goes against his tribe to try and help us. You need to get your head in the game a but more Andy because we’re in a battle for our very existence. If books aren’t your thing, may I recommend at least watching ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’, ‘Hellstorm’, and ‘Europa – The Last Battle’. If anything you first need to deprogram yourself a bit before any of this stuff makes sense.

* Wow, this Jew sure gets it. I’m 25 minutes in and I haven’t heard him twist anything that I don’t agree with. He seems to be redpilling Warski if anything. I have to admit, if Jews were honest like this guy is, we wouldn’t have a problem coexisting, but sadly that doesn’t line up with present reality. Also, no we don’t have genocidal dreams, that’s just crazy talk that people like Sargon and progressives spout. Lastly, he was spot on when he said that if you boil it all down, the Alt-Right just wants to live unabated.

* “Ideology is the luxury of people with IQs over 115 who have time on their hands. What people understand is race.” – Luke Ford

* Who invited the self hating Jew?

This guy seems smart and well spoken but the idea of respecting someone who basically hates you based solely on your genetic lineage. I find that absolutely asinine, sorry I might be able to respect someones intelligence while fundamentally disagreeing with them, but I cant respect their desire to rid their living space of people based on their race and ethnicity, whether they claim its simply to protect their own race or not.

* I recognise Luke Ford from that documentary “After Porn”. Thank god he shaved that horrific beard.

* I like this Jewish man a lot….
As much as Jewish people have contributed toward western civilization, I can’t ever fall for the blanket statements.

* Its not surprising that there are based jews out there, but it would be interesting if one made mainstream impact.

* I disagree with Luke in this stream quite a bit. Racial Advocacy does not always lead to Racial Nationalism. There is advocacy that can take place amidst multiculturalism, such as Hispanic/Mexican advocacy in the United States.

* The identity debate has been overtaken by race & I won’t play naive and say that science has nothing to contribute. I’m not a scientist at all. There’s a huge component of the West that goes beyond dna, namely Christianity.

The Enlightenment often gets credit for a lot of underserved achievements, however that was really the beginning of the end. Medieval Europe was the glue that took the Roman Empire and its Hellenistic philosophies.

The sacred empire holds more credit for the natural and organic assembly of the western identities than the mere fact that dna & weather makes the Irish a certain way for example.

My main issue with ethnonationalism isn’t the outlandish “we wuz kangz” or “race isn’t real” but the dismissal of the essential fact that just because you put only white people in a given country it doesn’t mean they’ll think alike. The Irish spirit is different from the German and from the Italian. Lose that just because of race? That’s tossing the baby with the bath water.

The whole ethnostate is a by-product of the Enlightenment. I’m a big fan of Evola, so I’m biased against the Enlightenment. I hope this makes sense. Hail Europa

* Luke is disarming with a chill restrained WASP affect. Effective spokesperson!

* Great job last night, Luke. You honestly should put yourself out there for this kind of stuff more often. It’d be great to get you on any of the AltRight podcasts too.

From the Warski Live Youtube chat:

juugo617​Vee is NOT interesting

James Merriweather​How ironic, a Jewish dude talking about Caucasian survival…

aer bank​moratorium on immigration or extreme vetting. Send that jew back to israel though

MFINN23​All these retards believing whites would lose in a meritocracy


Conservatives Conserve!​WHITE ZIONISM!!!!!!!!! SAY “1”

Lance Johnson​Rebbi

sir ylj​Press 1 to never have Vee on again

Jill Marie Storm​Who are Luke’s people? White Europeans or Jews?

Sharia LaBaeouf​Vee only has one argument: muh collectivism

alfabravo80​Luke is good. Vee is an idiot.

GalleryOFSuicide​not really, he showed how to explain nothing in 30 minutes lol

The Unknown Pwner​Man fuck Vee, he admits the Vietnamese in-group prefrence fought off the superior US, but if whites try it will lead to ruination

Aaron P.B.​Hey white people…do we want to LIVE?

Drumpf Sensei​Whites will be outbred in a multiracial meritocracy

Harry Stapleton​he basically went out saying the 14 words BAMN including genocide

Ascrewloose​luke is right we need to save the white race

yuberries​Individualists need collective action to protect individual rights

alfabravo80​Luke is an honorary Aryan.

Hank Chinaski​JF is correct…Liberalists are playing semantics with “collectivism”.

Casimir Marschall​Does working in the group interest qualify as collectivism.

Rock​I see a pattern here. The people who always deny or strawman collectivism are the people who don’t have a true identity or are half-breed of some kind

From my Youtube chat after show:

Greg Girardin​Only caught a bit.. yes JF is brilliant. This will definitely grow your audience.

Trey Greason​Daily Shoah is hilarious

Untethered Tube​Luke was heroic out there today

Trey Greason​Luke, Mike Enoch, JF are top tier right now. The youtuber AskYourself is really smart, but he focuses on vegan stuff

Greg Girardin​I think the AR’s problem is Semitic ethnic interest, not Judaism.

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​I’ll have to check it out

Trey Greason​pretty synonamous tho

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​Leo Frank trial was the Rubicon for Jews in the South

Trey Greason​Luke do you see any path forward for Academia? Will it be in an SJW spiral forever?

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​@Luke I read about it in EMJ’s book

Greg Girardin​Different topic, Luke, when do you think is the last year the porn industry was profitable? I assume it can’t be right now.

Trey Greason​Are you a little disgusted by Loomer? Are you sad that she represents Jews?

Based Deplorable​Great job Luke.

Trey Greason​I think a lot of media, newspapers, porn sites etc… are easy for certain rich people to own and use as propaganda even if they’re operating at a loss

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​@Trey they can afford to lose the money and gain in cerebral dominance

Trey Greason​^

Degenerate Scumbag​Did you see the the pro-cuckolding article on the CNN website?

Based Deplorable​I wonder what Kahane and Rockwell would say to one another,

Greg Girardin​Yup. Play the long game. Think about the consequences of current policies playing out for a century.

Trey Greason​Luke what do you make of the Rothschild conspiracy and the opaque nature of the monetary system?

Greg Girardin​Pro / against protectionism?

professor farnsworth​how’d you do on warski? I imagine they just bitched at you for not liking porn

Degenerate Scumbag​Luke, I’m afraid that you’ll find many white people have gone their whole lives having no issue with Jews, no historical grievance, and now hate them based entirely on the current behaviour they see.

Trey Greason​Could it be that a single family has a trillion dollars worth of gold stored in underground vaults?

Trey Greason​I just know the Rothschilds played a role in the Balfour Declaration, there’s Rothschild Blvd in Tel Aviv, the 500 shekel has a Rothschild on it

Maximilian​You did very well , would have been interesting to hear Mr rebbe…

David W​The Rebbe is going on next week

Maximilian​The rebbe basically holds the same views as Ben Shapiro…

David W​The Rebbe is deeply based

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​I wonder if Shapiro would come on this show. Prob not ha

David W​Shapiro wants to be establishment too much to directly deal with the alt-right

Trey Greason​I would love to see him debate alt right views though. He’d do as well as anyone

professor farnsworth​hah. those silly guys and their porno

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​Yeah he wants to criticize from afar

James Edward​You did good

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​get the Rebbe on this show

Greg Girardin​Yup. I only woke to the JQ in the last year (I’m 45).

James Edward​Pepe how did you feel Luke did?

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​James, I didn’t see it, can’t say. But I’ve heard the Rebbe on a different show previously

professor farnsworth​is rebbe n favor of the deportation of Palestinians? if so that’s his Achilles heel in an argument with the alt right

James Edward​Pepe. Ok

The Impaler​They have the same behavior patterns over the course of history

James Edward​Luke JF was smiling the whole time you would talk because he thought the same thing as you

Yehoishophot Oliver​shalom!

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​Rabbi, good to see you

Yehoishophot Oliver​?

James Edward​Luke you are smart. What is your IQ

Trey Greason​Shapiro would harp on the lack of safety for Jews non stop to justify Israeli policy. Luke which parts of the world have press that covers Israel harshly? where can we find the most objective sources?

orlared​Luke, what is the political break-down in Israel? Seems they also have nationalists like Bibi who deported all the African migrants and also ‘refugee welcome’ types opposed to him.

Degenerate Scumbag​Gerard Menuhin! Try to get him on.

The Impaler​Through generations of conditioning

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​the Holocaust narrative didn’t get traction until the 70s

The Impaler​Look at the influx of European Jews just prior to WW2

The Impaler​To the U.S.

James Edward​Wow

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​Holocaust, racism, etc is quickly losing its power

Degenerate Scumbag​Pepe, it’s not just losing it’s power over whites, it’s going to turn back the other way.

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​^ prob right

Degenerate Scumbag​Whites are realising they’ve been tricked.

Greg Girardin​Yup @Pepe, people are quickly figuring out that ‘racism’ is basically a psy-op undermining white cultural hegemony.

Degenerate Scumbag​Greg, yep, exactly.

orlared​Why can’t Israel just pay all the Arabs half a million each to move somewhere else? They could easily get the cash.

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​ironically, Muslims in the U.S. who agitate against Israel are helping this

professor farnsworth​if they actually knocked Steve Al ass and kicked all the Arabs or next week, wouldn’t the whole fucking middle East rise up against them?

professor farnsworth​knocked down Al aqsa*

Trey Greason​It will be impossible to cleanse Jerusalem of Muslims voluntarily, no?

Greg Girardin​Arab IQ is that low? Is the average Iranian IQ below 100?

Trey Greason​I would guess Iran, low 90s

professor farnsworth​lol Trump Temple

Trey Greason​Most European countries are like 98-99

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​@Luke what I meant was the Muslims here are helping erode the sacredness of the Holocaust narrative, crazy, I know

Greg Girardin​In the USA we have the sampling problem. All the Indians I know are high IQ for example. (I’m in software).

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​@Greg Apu needs to go back ?

Greg Girardin​haha.. I worked with a guy named Appu! He was brilliant though, smarter than me.

chrisiv1000​True but there are environmental effects in third world countries that don’t exist in the US so Iranians in the US like American Blacks would probably be more like 90 or 95

chrisiv1000​Indian IQs are probably highly stratified with separate lineages that have higher IQs because they were selected for verbal ability kinda like Ashkenazim except even longer ago

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​I have nothing against the avg Indian, but I’m sick of them here in large numbers. GTFO

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​fucking IT scabs

Greg Girardin​Yeah, college graduate programs are Indian immigration centers. It’s ridiculous.

Degenerate Scumbag​Chris, isn’t that the caste system in a nutshell?

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​Roosh is still on LOL

Trey Greason​Brown girls have tight pussies, just sayim

chrisiv1000​I think there’s environment and then a few points for education systems, but you’re right they’re not very impressive

chrisiv1000​I recall 85 in rural Mexico but 90-92 in the US

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​@Greg I’m in one now, that’s why I can’t stand them

chrisiv1000​Degenerate Scumbag Yep, exactly

Greg Girardin​My last company was ~50% Indian. (Silicon Valley company)

James Edward​I love being white

chrisiv1000​Sadly Argentine civic nationalism embraced that mass immigration


Aeschylus Jones​The high Indian IQ grads need to make Bombay Great Again

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​Yup ^

Maximilian​I extremely admire Indians especially those who associate with RSS.They recently tried to shut down a movie that showed a romantic scene between an Indian woman and a Muslim yet we watch cuckhold porn

Trey Greason​Luke what do you think of Euro intelligence vs Asian intelligence? How will this long term competition play out considering our unique strengths

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​the gin or the city? Ha

Greg Girardin​ha ha.. their Silicon Valley is Bangalore, but yes.

Aeschylus Jones​Trump has woken more people than the alt right by far

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​^ sure but you can’t even compare, most whites don’t even know what the alt right is

James Edward​Jones has a good point.

Aeschylus Jones​I keep hearing how whites have lower IQ’s than ashkenazi jews or asians…yet they lead the world…what am I missing

chrisiv1000​I think most East Asians who are forward thinking don’t want an end to the West because they know they need their consumer markets for their economic models to survive

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​also the alt right is over a lot of people’s heads IMHO

Richard Morgan​lol

Richard Morgan​hi

Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?​see ya dudes!

4trahasis​Glad to see you were on there.

chrisiv1000​thanks luke have a good one

Greg Girardin​Later! Good stuff.

China, Circumcision And Kosher Slaughter Youtube chat:

L D​hi Luke

Its Organic​cut throat capitalism

Its Organic​name of the game

Its Organic​China has peaked

L D​The Jews again

L D​at least youre honest

Untethered Tube​Jesus Luke! What is it with you today?

Untethered Tube​Save some for Sunday

L D​If the JQ is true, what do you suppose us goyim should do about it?

Untethered Tube​I’ve been reading about it. Got some questions for KMac about it.

L D​I just found you today

L D​through the warski stream

L D​I’m on the alt right. I’m very familiar with the JQ. I just dont know how we goys go about the reality of it.

Untethered Tube​By addressing it, first

L D​I agree

Untethered Tube​Breaking through that barrier in the mainstream is still being achieved

L D​and just to be clear I dont hate Jews

Untethered Tube​Doesn’t matter.

Untethered Tube​OIt’

Untethered Tube​It’s allowed, but not required

L D​So laws concerning the role of Jewish life among the goys?

Untethered Tube​To elevate concern for “anti-Semitism” to present levels is to strip ourselves of our legitimate interests

L D​I agree Untethered

Untethered Tube​Do you ever fear for your sanity in this journey to the alt right?

L D​yeah I do

Untethered Tube​Yes. It would be transformative

Untethered Tube​Circumcision has objective benefits

Untethered Tube​Don’t, LD. Fear only for your people

L D​I’m glad I was cirmcumcised, for cosmetic purposes lol

L D​not that I had a choice

Untethered Tube​I’m cool with it

L D​I’m American so..

Untethered Tube​But we should ditch it nonetheless

L D​as far as sanity and the alt right, it has gotten me to shift further right in ways I thought I’d never openly embrace

L D​Yeah its an alien practice

Untethered Tube​It’s on, as they say

L D​ive always had far right leanings but I’m an actual fascist, to whatever degree that’s right wing

Untethered Tube​There are three possible answers to JQ: Jewish domination (us), dhimmitude (Islam), or genocide.

Untethered Tube​Luke: do you fear for your sanity as Orthodox convinced of these alt right analyses?

L D​I just think we should be in charge of our own affairs and nations, I dont want to hurt anyone

BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett​I can honestly say as an Englishman of 54 years old… seeing the demographic change of my Land… IT HAS LITERALLY BROKEN MY HEART


L D​Yeah I only ride the bus with a pistol

L D​I live in an 75% black city in Michigan

L D​grew up here and went to school and was almost always the only white face in class

Untethered Tube​How did you make it?

BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett​… HOWEVER, my resolve to Right the wrongs, has me filled with a sense of purpose, that I’ve never experienced before.

L D​I was bigger than everyone else and agressive

L D​fought alot

L D​carried weapons

Untethered Tube​You’re my personal hero

Untethered Tube​You’re a fighter Luke

L D​and everyone kind of knew me, I was excepted most of the time

Untethered Tube​Or Israel, as a nation among nations

Untethered Tube​We had a eucalyptus in our front yard in Norwalk Ca

R. W.​1/3) Nine years ago I was suffering from depression and sought to convert to Judaism to have a religious experience, but was turned away time and time again. I didn’t understand it.

R. W.​2/3) Years later, I now understand that there were genetic (matrilineal) reasons why I was being excluded. In your opinion, to what extent is Jewish-identity ideational, as opposed to ethnic?

R. W.​3/3) Lastly, what were your own conversion experiences like? Do you feel like you were accepted as an authentic Jew?

Untethered Tube​Used to climb it

Untethered Tube​Loved that tree

BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett​On my channel you can hear my songs… in the hope I can reach my people [ I’m a Singer/Songwriter.

Untethered Tube​Conversion is akin to immigration

Untethered Tube​We used to understand that, when the ethnic nature of the nation was implied

BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett​Music can also invoke a Spiritual experience

Untethered Tube​Nothing can replace having an ethno-religion

Untethered Tube​See you Sunday Luke. You killed it today on Warski.

Killer Cross​Good to listen to you on Warski tonight Luke.

BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett​Yeah, you [Luke] was great on the Warski stream, I think they will have you back

L D​so Judaism literally the opiate of the masses?


Daniel Sturridge​lol vee is always so annoying I wish that other guy stood around

Zed Dez​Hello Luke, was just in the midst of listening to: Identities in Western Civilization & The Adult Industry- Luke Ford & Vee

Zev Tyler​hey it’s grunt eater

Zev Tyler​Luke looks so comfy doing a podcast before Shabbat

POSEIDON​Luke, I first saw you on Andy’s stream. You were great.

Zev Tyler​what was name of that podcast

Zev Tyler​I’m a huge Luke Ford follower since Summer of 2012

Zed Dez​I’ve been listening to your videos for some time now. It was a wonderful surprise to find you on Warsky’s stream, though I feel the opportunity was lost due to the headphone issue with the other guest

Zed Dez​I’m particularly a fan of the chats you have with the other two gentlemen. Can’t get enough!

Zev Tyler​Did you know ultraorthodox Rabbi claim the author of the Code Of Jewish Law (16th cebtury) learned with an Angel and wrote a book about it called Mahhif Mesharim

Zev Tyler​Maggid Mesharim

Jacob Gittes​Blood is thicker than logos.

Zev Tyler​I got into Luke when he had a huge beard

Zev Tyler​Just a show back then Torah Talks is a masterpiece

Zev Tyler​Did a show

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler You’ve been around longer than I. But, once I found him, I devoured his work. xD

Zev Tyler​Luke is addicting

Jacob Gittes​When I first saw you I was confused, and felt an affinity towards you. Despite the JQ.

Zed Dez​My Quebecois Catholic husband has considered converting, but I think more so as a finger to Trudeau/Muslims than an affinity to the Faith.

Zev Tyler​I hung out with him in public, be jealous

Daniel Sturridge​were you introduced to Judaism while working in the porn industry?

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler Really like the two other fella’s that he streams with too.

Zev Tyler​I figured out on my own that Luke only hung out with me because I was going to American Jewish University (I am being serious) and so he thought I was a brilliant student academic…boy was he disap

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler LOL

Zed Dez​Judiasm

Zev Tyler​he never ever expressed this but I realise he had to have been disappointed when he saw I was a literal aspeegers case with an IQ of 90

Zev Tyler​It used to be called the University of Judaism

Zev Tyler​but it scared people away because it sounded to religous…AJU runs 16th

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler Aspergers with a low IQ, that’s not usual.

Zev Tyler​It runs a conservative “Rabbi” training school

Zev Tyler​I changed a lot since then

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler Are you Jewish?

Zev Tyler​My parents are Iranian immihrants

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler Do you practice a religion?

Zev Tyler​Yes, I am orthodox, I started becoming religious in 2012, and that same summer I discovered Luke and Rabbi Rabbs!

Zev Tyler​I didn’t do anything illegal, in case you have a friend in the NSA

D WOODS​What were your thoughts on Vee during the stream?

Zev Tyler​I didn’t do anything illegal

Pesh Head​Ford done good. Love how much disdain he had for cucks like Vee

Jacob Gittes​Is that way Aztecs created such a crazy form of Catholicism, or strange scary hybrid?

Zev Tyler​There are multiple videos of me fapping to videos of guys banging their actual mom’s. but jokes on you Zed, I’m a reincarnation of Caesar.

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler I’m Canadian, no worries with me. Were your parents religious?

Zed Dez​@Pesh Head Agree 100%

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler Wow. Too much information.

Pesh Head​best reaction to white ethno-masochism is incredulity

Jacob Gittes​Shit I have to go shopping for my White Nationalist family’s dinner.

Daniel Sturridge​there was this cute Indonesian SDA girl that wanted me to cuck her bf smh

Jacob Gittes​Islam = low IQ religion. Nice. Later.

Zev Tyler​my mom is a very simple lady and she believes in the Divinity of Rabbi Judaism but wasn’t verynobservant, my dad is a Persian got but apparently he is descended from Jews who were forcefully converted

Razor Archon of Lords​MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN

Zev Tyler​to islam

Zed Dez​@Luke Ford Entirely agree with your assessment with low IQ and Islam.

Daniel Sturridge​@Jacob Gittes you disagree?

Zev Tyler​islam

Jacob Gittes​@Daniel Sturridge not at all.

Zed Dez​@Zev Tyler Got it. Thanks. Fascinating.

Zev Tyler​There wasn’t a real system of Torah education in Iran

Pesh Head​Vee used so many dumb examples — he said ‘Iran & Iraq we’re identical to the West in 70’s & 80’s’ — cos he saw some photos of uncovered women in their capital cities

D WOODS​Talk about Vee

Daniel Sturridge​Why not? Islam speaks to the best-like hearts that Muslims have.

Zev Tyler​If a communal Jewish leader told her not to marry him, she would have complied

Daniel Sturridge​@Jacob Gittes ^^

Jacob Gittes​I worked on converting an alt-lighter to alt-righter last night.

Jacob Gittes​He worships Jews, though. Because they were the best scientists or something.

Zev Tyler​Her own grandmother (Dina) would be visibly disturbed if she saw someone eat bread on Passover

Zed Dez​@Luke Ford I woke up when Chinese immigrants to Canada erected a statue to Mao in Richmond BC, Canada.

Zev Tyler​But she didn’t know enough about Judaism to protest the marriage

Jacob Gittes​You’re a good man.

Daniel Sturridge​Do Arabs really have an IQ that low? damn

Pesh Head​Israel is doomed

Daniel Sturridge​My grandpa was born Jewish. Can I go to Israel for free?

Fiji Water​why can’t i post

Fiji Water​oh i was wrong 🙂

Zed Dez​@Luke Ford Have you considering bringing MORE Alt-Righters onto your channel to discuss these subjects. Here’s to hoping you will. For instance Brian Ruhe on Jews infiltrating Buddhism.

Pesh Head​so few ppl cannot survive when they’re despised by so many neighbours, half their territorial neighbours. the technology gap will close

C M​Are you ethnically Jewish?

Zev Tyler​Far Der Yiddeshe Liebenkapmf

Zed Dez​@C M If you’re wondering about Luke, no he’s not ethnically Jewish he converted.

Fiji Water​Hi Luke! Been following you since the 90s. Have you ever addressed the Ashkenazi theory that they’re not real jews? I dont know what to think

C M​@zed dez, I was wondering about him. Thank you

Razor Archon of Lords​@Luke Ford Does your forebears have much do with the British Empire?

Pesh Head​….theft. China didn’t close gap by IQ alone

Zed Dez​@Pesh Head Yeah, Whites in general are starting to understand how that feels. As an Irish on one side and Quebecois on the other I have been actually aware of this reality for hundreds of years.

Zev Tyler​Luke is cucking hard on the Kahzar question

Fiji Water​I got here from that live stream You should go on more alt right shows

Razor Archon of Lords​@Luke Ford Why are you Jewish?

Pesh Head​DNA has debunked khazar theory

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4Chan – The Last Stand Of Implicit White Identity

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I think the AR is a far more potent than any other political cohort active today; more so than the parties, universities, old media and Hollyweird. Without money or backing, it’s autists have channeled political conversations in new directions, creating not only “memes” but fostering discussions about how we do and should live together. In short, they’re idealists fumbling their way toward clarity.

I’ve been lurking at 4-chan for the past several weeks. I see their desire to recover a kinder, better 1950s-like nation. To achieve this goal, they’re mocking their leftist professors, lifting weights, wanting to marry “wheat women” (images of girls, virginal(?) in cultivated fields), stopping “fapping,” starting small businesses, moving to “unconverged” parts of the country, etc. There are daily architecture threads in which some of the more egregious examples of modern buildings are mocked, and dream homes and communities are posited and critiqued. Similarly, the visual and plastic arts and music are also critiqued.

They’re striving for a contemporary utopia.

So, think of them as young utopics, much above the IQ mean, having computer savvy and STEM knowledge. And, think of 4-chan as the last bastion of free speech.

* The so-called Alt Right memed Trump into the White House. Hillary couldn’t give away ten tickets to her rallies either, and she had 50,000,000 voters. Richard Spencer has far more influence than attendance at one of his events would indicate. His idea to regulate social media as utilities is now mainstream.

* Trump has an unerring instinct for which issues enjoy narrow but enthusiastic support rather than tepid acquiescence. Even today if you poll Americans on issues like immigration the raw data would probably tell you that Jeb Bush should be the most popular politician in the country. But Trump realized that support for immigration was broad but shallow. Opposition to immigration is still a numerical minority but angry and determined. Same with the NFL. Most Americans either give lip service to the players’ right to kneel, or just don’t care, but Trump knows that the 20-30% who are angry, are really angry, and will follow Trump to the end on that issue. I don’t think Trump is a genius, I think paradoxically his lack of curiosity and uninterest in thinking about policy just gives him an instinctual emotional grasp of the issues. I have no doubt that Cruz or Ryan would outscore Trump by 20 points on a standard IQ test, but they think themselves into boxes and ideology like a lot of “intelligent” politicians.

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The Alt Right In The Light Of Torah

The Torah says to execute homos, slavery is OK, no goyish citizenship in Holy Land, how can I get appalled with goyim who want same things?

Not one major rabbinic commentator says goyim can be citizens in the Torah state. So how can I get offended by Richard Spencer’s dream of an ethno-state? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Not one gadol has written a sefer against racism and bigotry. There’s no Torah mitzvah against racism. Racism is a made up moral concept without foundation in torah.

Women are not valid witnesses in a Torah court. Torah makes no provision for women having a say in public policy.

Jews, concomitant with their high IQs, contribute far more in taxes than they take in government services. Orthodox Jews, for example, have to pay taxes for public schools while they universally send their kids to private schools.

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