Tag Archives: alexander technique lessons

Contempt In My Relationships

I’ve rarely had a relationship where I was not massively contemptuous of my girlfriend or she was not massively contemptuous of me. Yet I’ve never had a relationship where we were each contemptuous of the other. When I date high-achieving … Continue reading

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I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

When I quit writing on porn in October of 2007, I had $6,000 in the bank. Now I have $26,000 in credit card debt. I have $10,000 in other debts. And I owe my family about $9,000. Over the past … Continue reading

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It Takes A Lot Of Effort To Keep This Show On The Road

While I am typing this worthy post, I am simultaneously rubbing my sore right foot (plantar fascitis) over a tough black ball to break up fascia. Every few minutes, I get up and doing stretching exercises to help my heel … Continue reading

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