Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Leftism – The Jews’ Golden Calf

Dennis Prager writes: How would most American Jews react to the following historical assessment by a noted Yiddish scholar, professor Gennady Estraikh of New York University? “It is hardly an overstatement to define Yiddish literature of the 1920s as the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Men’s Way Of Complaining Is Shutting Down

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “I suspect that most of you did not marry a man who was shut down. So something must’ve happened. Men’s way of complaining is to shut down.” Steve calls from Reno: “Over … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager? Why Did You Have To Go To Him For? He Was The One Person In The World I Didn’t Want To Hurt

I’m watching The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. Duddy runs around, cutting corners, betraying everybody who loved him in his drive to get ahead. He reminds me of myself. Everybody around me ends up feeling betrayed. There’s a great line in … Continue reading

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The Apprenticeship Of Luke Ford

I was listening to Dennis Prager’s radio show today. He’d just returned from his fifth trip to Australia, my homeland. Dennis said that Australia was over-regulated and rather reserved. An American woman phones in. “Australians are reserved. Timid. When I … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Returns From A Week Lecturing In Australia

Dennis arrived from the airport this morning (after his fifth trip to Australia) ten minutes before his show was due to begin. That’s the time he normally arrives as he lives ten minutes away. Occasionally he gets caught in traffic … Continue reading

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