Tag Archives: Modern Orthodox

Very Religious

Whenever Jews tell me they were raised “very religious”, I know that they were not raised Orthodox. They were raised in some watered-down form of Judaism whose minimal demands struck them as “very religious.” Whenever Jews tell me they are … Continue reading

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Cheating The Goyim

In my limited experience, most right-wing Orthodox rabbis permit cheating on taxes and other cheating of the goyim. Most Modern Orthodox rabbis I know forbid this behavior. A friend of mine recently wanted to pay cash to have his car … Continue reading

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The Top Five Mizrachi Rabbis In Israel

What is Mizrachi? It is religious Zionism. Rav Mordecai Eliyahu would have to be number one. Then Haim Drukman, Yaakov Ariel, Aharon Lichtenstein, She’ar Yashuv Cohen (the Rav of Haifa and the son of the Nazir of Jerusalem David Cohen), … Continue reading

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Bake A Cake

"When’s your next appointment?" she asked. "Tomorrow afternoon," I said. "Do you want to bring him something?" "No." "I want to bake him a kosher bunt cake." "No. Nothing you can make is kosher." "You could oversee it." "No." "You … Continue reading

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You Are Not Jewish

Gadi Pickholz from the Israel Fathers Rights Advocacy Council writes: Luke: While you waste your time writing nonsense because of a lack of knowledge of what is really going on in Judaism, let me inform you of two major historic … Continue reading

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