Tag Archives: rabbi eliezer

Provocative New Book On Orthodox Jewish Philosophers

Rabbi Gil Student writes: When I first opened R. Ira Bedzow’s recent book, Halakhic Man, Authentic Jew: Modern Expressions of Orthodox Thought from Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits, I was surprised. I had expected to find summaries … Continue reading

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Judaism’s Insights Into The Financial Crisis

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The Time website has an article about two scholarly articles about Jewish business ethics and the current financial cresis (link). One article is by R. Aaron Levine, chairman of the Economics Department at Yeshiva University, and … Continue reading

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Where’s The Love For Emmanuel Rackman and Eliezer Berkovitz?

Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: David Singer recently wrote an interesting article on Rabbi Emanuel Rackman.[3] With the recent passing of Rabbi Moses Mescheloff,[4] Rackman, born in 1910, might be the oldest living musmach of RIETS. If this is so, … Continue reading

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CEO Of OHEL Cautions About Going To Police

From Failed Messiah: David Mandel, the CEO of OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, the Brooklyn-based haredi social services organization. Speaking in… …Baltimore February 20, 2008, under the auspices of Baltimore’s Orthodox (and overwhelmingly haredi) Va’ad Harabbonim, Mandel appears to … Continue reading

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Love The Convert

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed writes in the Jewish Press: The laws regarding converts to Judaism are among the most astounding in the Torah. They teach us that any non-Jew who truly and earnestly seeks to join the Jewish people may do … Continue reading

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