Tag Archives: alexander technique teacher

I Try To Heal The Past By Reconnecting With Old Friends

I want to undo it by reconnecting with people from my past and doing it better. I want a second chance. Shame is a big thing for me. When I think back upon the past, I often wince. It is … Continue reading

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Oct. 21, 2007

On October 21, 2007, I decided (after an email ultimatum from my rabbi that evening to either quit XXX or leave the shul) to stop writing on the porn industry and to sell my website lukeisback.com. It’s been four years … Continue reading

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Do You Suffer From Text Neck?

My posture started going to hell around age eight when I began to read books regularly. I’d get so sucked into a book that my posture would collapse and my dad would start telling me to sit up straight, which … Continue reading

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Which Presidents Had The Best Use Of Themselves?

In this discussion with Eileen Troberman, Alexander Technique teacher Robert Rickover (the son of the founder of the nuclear navy) names Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama as two presidents with the best use of themselves. “We can find a really … Continue reading

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When You Feel Like You Must Get Something Done Right Away, What Does That Do To Your Physiology?

Most people respond to thinking they must accomplish a task quickly by shortening their stature, tensing and compressing their necks, taking shallower breaths, their heart racing, anxiety flying, and overall going into a version of the fight or flight reflex. … Continue reading

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