Do You Suffer From Text Neck?

My posture started going to hell around age eight when I began to read books regularly. I’d get so sucked into a book that my posture would collapse and my dad would start telling me to sit up straight, which never did me much good.

Now people are getting sucked into their smart phones and their tablets and computer games and the like and they’re developing a lot of neck problems. When they get sucked in, they tend to hunch and collapse their posture.

When your head is not balanced on top of your spine, it dramatically increases the wear and tear on your spine and you are likely to develop headaches and backaches and more serious problems.

A good solution is to become aware of what you are doing and to let go of your tendencies to contort your torso. An Alexander Technique teacher should be of great help here.

The Daily Mail reports:

First it was ‘texter’s thumb’. Now gadget addicts are coming down with ‘text neck’ in their droves.

Back and neck specialists say that increasing numbers of patients are suffering neck pain from spending too much time hunched over phones and computers.

They claim the rise of smartphones and tablet computers has fuelled the problem.

The extra capability for playing games and browsing the internet on smartphones means they tend to be used for longer periods. And unlike laptops, tablet computers are often placed flat on the lap, meaning users crane their neck over to view the screen.

The average human head weighs between 10lb and 12lb and flexing the neck at an angle makes it harder to support, raising the odds of pain and stiffness which can radiate down the shoulders, arms and wrists. Headaches and even arthritis can develop.

Chiropractor Rachael Lancaster said: ‘Imagine sitting on your ankle sideways for 10 minutes. It would feel stiff and sore when you returned it to its natural position. That is what people are doing with their necks.’

…Mr Hutchful said leaning the head forwards was like holding a 10 to 12lb weight away from the body.

‘Muscles will go into spasm if they have to hold such a position,’ he said.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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