Monthly Archives: January 2018

Rob Reiner Celebrates The Browning Of America

California is now 37.7% white. Comments at Steve Sailer: * Why don’t Rob Reiner and his ilk organize a huge Freedom Ride, buses and all, to Mexico City? You know, protest the continued subjugation of the native Mexico population by … Continue reading

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Stephen Miller, Steve Sailer & John Podhoretz

According to, 26% of John Podhoretz‘s 121,000 Twitter followers are fake and 29% are inactive. According to the same site, 19% of Steve Sailer‘s followers are fake and 37% are inactive. Comments at Steve Sailer: * Miller stands accused … Continue reading

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How Your Politics Can Change Your Physiology

Left-wingers and right-wingers not only see the world differently, as Jonathan Haidt explains, they experience the world different. Much of our political orientation comes from our biology. I wonder if your politics can change your physiology? When I think back … Continue reading

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Trump’s jargon is infectious

Virginia Heffernan writes: Donald Trump’s triglycerides are 129. His fasting blood glucose is 89. His alanine transaminase is 27. He’s fine. He seems to be hewing to norms, for once. But to hear the presidential physician tell it, Trump is … Continue reading

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Is Trump Having An Affair With Nikki Haley?

At this point it's mere speculation, but Michael Wolff has said that a paragraph toward the back of FIRE AND FURY reveals who Trump's current mistress is (an affair that opens the president up to blackmail) and many online are … Continue reading

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