Monthly Archives: January 2018

Did Trump Pay Porn Star $130K Just Before 2016 Election To Keep Her Quiet?

(THREAD) The BREAKING NEWS that Trump cheated on Melania with porn star "Stormy Daniels"—then used his lawyer as a "fixer" to pay six-figure hush-money a few weeks before the 2016 election—is relevant to the Russia inquiry. I hope you'll read … Continue reading

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Why do we want people from Haiti here?

Why are we having all these people from sh**hole countries come here? NYT: “The comments were reminiscent of ones the president made last year in an Oval Office meeting with Cabinet officials and administration aides, where he complained about admitting … Continue reading

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Toby Young On Race, IQ & Genetic Determinism

According to Wikipedia: In 2015, Young wrote an article for the Australian magazine Quadrant entitled “The fall of meritocracy”. In it he advocated what he termed “progressive eugenics”. Young proposed that when the technology for genetically engineered intelligence is practical … Continue reading

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How Do You Change Your Life?

There was a nasty guy I saw at Placer High School named Steve Pitman. He was a bully. I kept my distance. He scared me. A couple of years after I left high school, I ran into him again and … Continue reading

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Chinese Cheat Close To 100% Of The Time

Bloomberg: “Statistically we’re uncovering fraud about 70 percent of the time, but in China it’s very close to 100 percent. It’s pervasive, it’s across food groups, and it’s anything you can possibly imagine.”

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