Monthly Archives: February 2017

Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz Z’tl

The rabbi I most looked forward to meeting when I moved to Los Angeles in March of 1994 was Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz of the Chai Center, formerly of the Westwood Chabad synagogue that served UCLA. In his lectures, on his … Continue reading

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Taking Offense

I’ve never been offended in my life so I’m always amused when I meet smart successful people who take offense at the noting of obvious truths. If I say, “Wow, blacks run really fast!”, people I’ve known will get angry … Continue reading

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Babylonian Talmud is now free online in English and Modern Hebrew translation

Talmud link here. One of the most accessible Hebrew and English translations of the Babylonian Talmud is going open source. Today, Sefaria, an online nonprofit bringing traditional Jewish texts to the internet, announced that it will be posting the … Continue reading

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How can a race realist support school vouchers?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * How can a race realist support school vouchers? It means blacks and Latinos get to attend white parochial schools for free. Having money is what separates Whites from the rabble… do you really want to … Continue reading

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What Steve Bannon Wants You to Read

From Politico: If Taleb and Yarvin laid some of the theoretical groundwork for Trumpism, the most muscular and controversial case for electing him president—and the most unrelenting attack on Trump’s conservative critics—came from Michael Anton, a onetime conservative intellectual writing … Continue reading

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