Monthly Archives: February 2017

The Conversation

Comments at Steve Sailer: * “Have you noticed how the once innocent word “conversation” has recently taken on Stalinist connotations of indoctrination and censorship.” Have you noticed how the once innocent word “pride” has recently taken on Stalinist connotations of … Continue reading

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Let’s Jew People Up!

Steve: You test your people, Luke Ford. Seth: I’ve always asked the question can you Jew someone up. Luke: I love it. Can you Jew someone up? I say we need to reclaim and remake these slurs, like gays did … Continue reading

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Social Cohesion Vs Free Market

In Daf Yomi, we’re studying the Talmudic tractate Bava Batra (laws of property) where this week we’ve been learning rules for social cohesion. Jews, I think, are the only group to have survived as a distinct people while living for … Continue reading

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* I sometimes wonder if I put so much effort into provoking people because I like attention, it is my substitute for meaning and love. * Ever notice women once they hit their forties often cut their hair real short … Continue reading

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How Do You Use Your Judaism?

There’s probably nobody I admire more than my friend (he’s never had a parking ticket!) and the other day he was discussing a bargaining position. I interrupted: “I love how you use your Judaism.” I’d said the same sort of … Continue reading

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