Neville Chamberlain Was Right

David Horowitz tells Dennis Prager today: “This [deal with Iran] is the worse thing to happen since Munich (1938)… The Obama administration has been arming and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, whose spiritual head says the Holocaust is God’s punishment on the Jews for their corruption and it will happen again.” Gee, that sounds like the basic Torah position on Jewish suffering.

Chamberlain’s deal with Germany in 1938 was a good thing because it gave England an extra year to get ready for the war. “Most historians agree that the British army was not ready for war with Germany in September 1938. If war had broken out over the Czechoslovak crisis, Britain would only have been able to send two divisions to the continent—and ill-equipped divisions, at that.”

Luke: I’m a right-winger but I prefer Obama’s foreign policy to George W. Bush’s. Dubya got us into unnecessary and disastrous invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Dubya was reckless. He had little interest in governing efficiently ala Eisenhower. He wanted to throw the long ball. Obama is cautious. They’ve both been horrible presidents who were only elected because of their dads, not on their merits (neither had any accomplishments of their own).

* Hanukkah starts Thanksgiving night, the first time since the 19th Century. “The Hebrew calendar simply went wild this year with everything super duper early,” said Dennis Prager today.

The Hebrew calendar isn’t early or any different with the start of Jewish holidays, it is only “early” if you consider the Western calendar the ultimate real.

* Toronto mayor Rob Ford claims he has ‘more than enough to eat at home’ and the media tut tut about his graphic and shocking language about oral sex. Since when did Seventh-day Adventist morality take over the MSM? What was so shocking about his remark? This same MSM praised the R-rated movie The Aristocrats. Now that was shocking.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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