Dennis Prager Roast

At the April 3, 2008 roast of Dennis Prager for his 25 years in broadcasting, psychiatrist Stephen Marmer said: “As a psychiatrist and psycho-analyst, I’ve been waiting for decades to find a subject who confirms Freud’s stages of development — oral, anal, phallic, oedipal and so forth. Finally, finally, I was able to find someone who was fixated in each and every one of Freud’s stages — Dennis Prager.”
“The anal phase… That’s the time when people learn to be meticulous and neat and fastidious and parsimonious… Perhaps you do not know if you haven’t actually visited him in his home, how meticulous and neat Dennis is with his office and his paperwork and how he keeps all of his financial records so obsessively up to date and how thorough he is checking all the contracts he signs…”
“Dennis has dedicated his life to Viking women. Hi Sue!”
“Normally children leave the Oedipus Complex and enter what is called latency phase. This is the time they leave their childhood anger, and childhood emotions and temper tantrums and infantile sexuality and buckle down to learning during the school years but Dennis broke that rule. He never left any of those things behind. One can say he continued his childhood right up to his arrival at adolescent rebellion and sexuality and has remained there eversince.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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