Daily Archives: July 14, 2013

The Moonies

I was 12 years old and living at Pacific Union College in the Napa Valley when the Jim Jones murder/suicide of over 900 people took place in Guyana. The religion had been big in the San Francisco Bay Area and … Continue reading

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Pilot of the Airwaves

My parents left me behind at Pacific Union College in January 1980 so that I could graduate in June with my eighth grade class at the church elementary school. I stayed with friends of the family and had a lot … Continue reading

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My 14th Birthday

I turned 14 on May 28, 1980. It came towards the end of my eighth grade at Pacific Union College Elementary School. I’d been staying with friends of the family for the past five months so I could finish the … Continue reading

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Dumpster Diving

When my parents left me behind, thank God!, at Pacific Union College in eighth grade (1980) so that I could finish the school year with my friends, my friend taught me to dumpster dive behind the market for old donuts, … Continue reading

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Don’t Be Horrid, Horrid Boy!

Much of the time, I’m working hard to not say anything ugly. When I’m in the presence of someone good and holy, for instance, I keep telling myself, “Don’t say anything horrid, Horrid Boy.” What does this mean that I’m … Continue reading

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