Daily Archives: July 17, 2013

Hi There. How Are You?

How’s life treating you? I’m working on my writer’s credo, my ten deepest beliefs. Wow. I don’t think there are even 10 things I believe in. Yes, you believe in chocolate, sex, yoga, status, dogs, fast cars, left-wing politics, that … Continue reading

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What’s The Basic Conflict In My Play?

I’m reading Playwriting: Writing, Producing and Selling Your Play by Louis E. Catron. I’m on chapter eight and writing out the scenario for my one-man play. What’s the basic conflict? What does the protagonist want? I want to be happy. … Continue reading

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The most important thing in life is your connection with the people you love

What are the alternatives? What else would you put number one? Some people might say God is more important than people, but in my religion, Judaism, the way you love God is by loving your fellow. People who get lost … Continue reading

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Why do I believe that belief in God is important?

My life has often been lonely, but it has been less lonely when I’ve believed in God, when I’ve believed that God listened to me and cared about me and judged me and intended to reward and punish me according … Continue reading

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