Daily Archives: July 15, 2013

I’m Safe

I told my therapist I see things I could do to increase my connection to others, but I don’t care enough to do them. I asked her what do my clothes (I was wearing old black shorts and an old … Continue reading

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Inner Game

I’m writing out a long list of things I’m awesome at. Carlos Xuma recommends carrying this in your wallet to look at regularly and develop inner game. * Admitting I was wrong. * Getting help. * Dealing with difficult people. … Continue reading

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The Homeless At Starbucks — Ghosts of My Christmas Future?

I look at the homeless in Starbucks and feel uncomfortable. Their clothes are ragged. My clothes are ragged. They occupy tables for hours, buying cheap refills. I occupy tables for hours, buying cheap refills. The staff tell us both, “I’m … Continue reading

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