Monthly Archives: May 2013

The World Frightens Me

I was in shul watching a siddur (prayer book) about to fall off a shelf and I felt physically sick, my stomach wrenched, as I waited for its fall (it didn’t, someone grabbed it). When I watch the same thing … Continue reading

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Family Tree Counseling

I love Here are some highlights from their podcasts: A better way to say Fear of Abandonment is crazy jealousy issues, when someone over-reacts when they perceive you backing away from them. They react emotionally, not rationally. It’s probably … Continue reading

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Love Is Supposed To Hurt

Therapist Mark E. Smith says: Love is Mother Nature’s tool to force you to go back and work on unresolved issues from your childhood. I wished that Christian faith healed emotional wounds and made people emotionally healthier but it’s just … Continue reading

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First Legal Women’s Prayer Service at the Western Wall in Decades

Protest gets violent at Women of the Wall’s first prayer service at the Kotel after landmark court decision; will conflict escalate in the Middle East after Israel’s strike on Syria?; Meredith Ganzman speaks to Jewish celebs at the Drama Desk … Continue reading

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Converting To Judaism

From a series of my FB posts: The ethnic tribal national peoplehood component of Judaism took me the longest time to get (as compared to the Torah and God components, which seemed self-evident). I remember walking into temple for the … Continue reading

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