Monthly Archives: April 2013

Rabbi Marc Gafni’s Wife #3 Performs A Solo Show – Babel’s Daughter

One woman’s journey from the Bible-Belt to the Holy Land….In this electric show, Chaya shares her cosmic, sometimes-comic, always-poetic, spiritual journey from the Mississippi Delta to the hills of Jerusalem. The show is entertaining and inspirational as well as interactive, … Continue reading

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My First Pair Of Tefillin

I pick her up, put her on the washing machine, flip the switch to Spin cycle, and move the tefillin out of my eyes. It’s 1993 and I am new to Judaism. I got my first pair of tefillin a … Continue reading

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Prayer As A Way To Meet Girls

Dear Jewish Journal: You wouldn’t believe what happened to me! I was toiling away on my Facebook when I got a message from a young Jewish yoga instructor who liked my video below. One thing led to another and we … Continue reading

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My Favorite FB Posters

My fave FB posts tend to come from the following persons: * Monica Showalter * Monica Osborne * Lewis Fein * Kate Coe * Amy Alkon * Heshy Fried * John Leo * Drew Friedman * Kipp Friedman * Clare … Continue reading

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Lag B’Omer Parade

Dear mom: Today is the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer and there was a big parade and concert, closing off a main street by where I live and a thousand Orthodox Jews in attendance. I hung out for 2.5 hours, … Continue reading

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