Monthly Archives: December 2012

A World Congress Of Rabbis

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: In a 1931 letter to R. Kook, Iggerot la-Re’iyah, no. 273, the Kovno Rav asks R. Kook if he agrees with him that a world congress of rabbis should be convened – אספת רבנים עולמית … Continue reading

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When Agudat Israel Did Things

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: …it brings us back to a time when Agudat Israel actually did something other than put on a big Daf Yomi celebration every seven years.[6] There was a time when Agudat Israel tried to accomplish … Continue reading

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God Is Doing Amazing Things In My Life!

When I quit writing on the porn industry in October of 2007, I had no debt and $6,000 in the bank. Over the next five years, I took on $44,000 in credit card debt, $25,000 from my family, and another … Continue reading

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How Much More Isolated Has Israel Become in Just the Past Year?

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Ingraining Bad Posture

In early 1985, I had the cleaning and gardening contract at the Boyne Island Shopping Centre in Queensland, Australia. I was 18. Early one evening, I was watching the local news and lifting buckets of bricks to build my body. … Continue reading

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