Monthly Archives: January 2013

Sabbath Protest Planned For Full Service Asian Massage Parlor Beside Orthodox Shul Beth Jacob

UPDATE: A source says: “Yes I did go and it went fairly well. There were about 10 people with posters and cameras and they handed out flyers and attracted a lot of people.” A few months ago, I wrote about … Continue reading

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Valley Village Orthodox Jew Playing Division One Basketball

He plays on shabbos but won’t shower in hot water! Joe* emails: Aaron Liberman is a winner, for sure. His family is a winner. His grandfather, Jose Liberman, I believe was selling appliances in Latino neighborhoods in the 1970s and … Continue reading

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The Mother Factor

What was your attachment to your mother like and is that how you attach to people today? Due to the illnesses of my mothers and various caretakers, I had the intermittent style. I didn’t know if I’d get a hug … Continue reading

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If your writing is not good enough, you’re not close enough.

A Google search with quotes around that sentence shows it has never been published before! Original to me! It is adapted from the famous saying about photos — if your pictures are not good enough, you’re not close enough. I … Continue reading

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Why Am I Not Married?

I just got this: “Luke Ford? LUKE FORD? he’s repulsive! He’s disgusting!” Luckily, X (not who you think) is a liberal, so she did not shoot me for even suggesting you as a possible match. This is one of those … Continue reading

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