Monthly Archives: October 2012

A Culture War Over A Rabbi Criticizing Sarah Silverman

I find the Jewish Press more impressive than the Jewish Journal (which refused to publish or link to the article) in this culture war over Sarah Silverman. Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, It’s been a while. I periodically intentionally step … Continue reading

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When Your Bed Is A Battlefield

Sleep is difficult for me, as it is for my dad. Being shomer brit doesn’t help. When I sleep on my side, I have mild sleep apnea and when I sleep on my back, I have moderate sleep apnea. To … Continue reading

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A Memory From Sixth Grade

Just heard: “Greetings, I actually met you about 34 years ago in your 6th grade class at the PUC elementary school. I was a college student observing the class and I remember one of your peers challenged you about something, … Continue reading

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White People Don’t Sit On The Ground

I used to date a Filipina. When the passion waned, we began leaving the hovel more often, whereupon I discovered her disconcerting comfort with sitting on the ground. “By dating me, you’ve become an honorary white,” I explained to her, … Continue reading

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Jewish Pre-Shabbos Haste Causing Car Accidents

S. emails: “I live on Whitworth between Beverly drive and Robertson and every week we have 4 to 5 car accidents on this Stretch. I sometimes worry on Shabbat when kids and families crossing the intersections without the stop signs. … Continue reading

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