Monthly Archives: July 2012

An open letter to the leader of Scientology, David Miscavige

Chaim Amalek writes: Dear David: An ex fantasy girlfriend of mine (meaning I knew her and desperately wanted her, but she did not want me) has been a Scientologist and actress in LA for about the last six years. If … Continue reading

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Should American Jews Celebrate The Fourth Of July?

A friend asks: “May a torah jew celebrate goyishe holidays like the fourth of July?” Why do we frum yidden need goyisha holidays? To even ask the question betrays a mindset so far from Torah. It’s like asking if a … Continue reading

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Defending The Male-Female Definition Of Marriage

On his radio show July 3, 2012, Dennis said: “I’m going to do an hour on David Blankenhorn. We choose the wrong people to defend the male-female definition of marriage. I don’t care if this sounds arrogant. I should’ve been … Continue reading

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How To Respond To Rejection

A female friend posts to Facebook: After a bad date on Saturday nite, I told the guy I didn’t see long term possibilities. So, he leaves me a msg. “What is your f-king problem, you annoyed the sh–t out of … Continue reading

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The F-Word In Shul

I frequently hear the f-word and other profanity used in casual conversations at shul, the Shabbos table, and the most holy of Jewish occasions. I think Reform and Conservative Jews may be less likely to use profanity in shul than … Continue reading

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