Daily Archives: May 29, 2012

Floating On Balloons

My favorite dreams are about floating on balloons (always balloons that I make and attach to a chair, not commercial hot-air balloons). I think it was in 1992 — I was about 26 — that I had the best dream … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Contempt For Bankers

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “You know how much fear I have for big government. My contempt for most banks in the world is deep as it is for big government.” “The profession of banking has soiled … Continue reading

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What Do I Want From My New Therapist?

Last week, I started with a new psycho-therapist. I’ve had six years of therapy, and four main therapists. All have been Jewesses (except for one shaygetz). I only fell in love with one of them. I enjoyed that ride. Impossible … Continue reading

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