Daily Archives: May 21, 2012

My Father, Myself

Nobody has influenced me as much as my father. Despite the best of my intentions, I constantly find myself measuring up against him. Most of the time, I’m not even conscious that I’m doing it. Consciously, I’m measuring myself up … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager – Man Of Dignity

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show said today: “You really make me laugh, Dennis. You’re a funny guy. You definitely amuse me. Kinda like a clown.” Dennis: “I will hang up on you if you keep calling me names. … Continue reading

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Lubavitchers Not Intimidated By The Internet

Chabadniks were among the first groups of Jews to make widespread use of the internet to spread their values. Lubavitchers are that rare type of Orthodox Jew who believes in interacting with the world. More: Brooklyn, NY – In an … Continue reading

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Can You Set Your Blog To Post On Shabbos?

From TorahMusings.com: An interesting article raised the question of whether you may schedule e-mails or social media updates to occur on Shabbos. For example, I can post to my blog and schedule the post to appear on Friday night. Within … Continue reading

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Daphne Panagotacos – A Great Dermatologist In Westlake

According to DaphneMD.com: “Dr. Daphne I. Panagotacos, M.D., specializes in dermatology. A dermatologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats conditions of the skin, hair, and nails. Common conditions treated by dermatologists include acne, eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer.” Skin … Continue reading

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