Daily Archives: April 22, 2012

Why Not Get Breast Implants?

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager got a call from a woman asking: “I was calling to get your opinion of breast augmentation?” Dennis: “Here’s my question for a mature woman, not a high school girl: Why would there … Continue reading

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Auditioning For The Anne Frank Role

Topless Audition UCBcomedy.com Watch more comedy videos from the twisted minds of the UCB Theatre at UCBcomedy.com

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This Week’s Torah Portions – Tazria and Metzorah

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs Mondays at 7:00 pm PDT on the rabbi’s cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. This week we study Parashat Tazria (Leviticus 12:1-13:59) and Parashat Metzora (Leviticus 14:1-15:33). * Most people today … Continue reading

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Why Does Nobody Care About Gentile Continuity?

High intermarriage rates with Jews threaten to extinguish’s the world’s longest ongoing culture — that of the goyim. The unique perspectives of Gentiles such as Aristotle and Acquinas may find no equal in the future if the threat of goyish … Continue reading

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Muslims In Pico-Robertson

On three separate occasions today, I ran into Muslims in Muslim garb in Pico-Robertson. I love our diverse neighborhood! You can never have too much diversity. Nobody fears for their life, not even Muslims do, when they walk through a … Continue reading

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