Monthly Archives: March 2012

A Thoughtful Critique Of Andrew Breitbart By A Liberal Journalist

I loved Andrew Breitbart personally. I only had positive interactions with the man. I agreed with his worldview. And I think his legacy is mixed for reasons outlined in the following critique. Andrew was often reckless with the truth and … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Personalize The Election And We Lose

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “With slut and prostitute, aside from being wrong, it’s irrelevant. The point is that [what Sandra Fluke asked for, free birth control from her Catholic university] is absurd. It should’ve been left … Continue reading

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Who Gets Raped?

Young women under age 25. After that age, not so much. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey (2007 data), the rate of attempted or completed rape or sexual assault is: Age Rate per 1000 16-19 4.9 20-24 5.9 25-34 … Continue reading

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China’s Amoral Foreign Policy

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “You will know when China is changing towards some moral consciousness by its leaders when the picture of Mao come down.” Mao murdered more people than anybody in history, about 75 million. … Continue reading

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Highlights From The Dennis Prager – Adam Carolla Dialogue Feb. 25

More here. * In fifth grade, Dennis asked his rabbi what Heaven would be like. The rabbi said that in Hollywood, they would study Torah all day long. Dennis decided he did not want to go to Heaven. * Dennis … Continue reading

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