Monthly Archives: March 2012

Should We Look To Rabbis For Temporal And Political Guidance?

Jonathan Baker writes: This is a set of summaries of a series of six lectures on the teachings of Harav Yosef Dov Halevi Soloveitchik zt”l by Rabbi Aaron Rothkoff-Rakeffet at Lincoln Square Synagogue from 7 June to 12 July 1993. … Continue reading

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Is Christianity Idolatry?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I am always impressed by the intelligence and cogency of Marc Shapiro. I do have a few clarifications. My time spent in philosophy was largely wasted on trying to figure out how to use up … Continue reading

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Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski – The Jewish Pope

In his first lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “He’s the only example of a Jewish pope. Not just a spiritual leader but a temporal leader. He was a leader … Continue reading

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The Day Marc Shapiro Canceled His NYT Subscription

In his first lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says in 2010: “I canceled my New York Times subscription three years ago when on the day after the Israeli Day Parade … Continue reading

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Why Should I Pray?

In his first lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “What do you see in Elie Wiesel’s book Night? Wiesel never rejects the existence of God. He describes his journey from … Continue reading

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