Daily Archives: August 29, 2011

Murder For Pious Reasons

Marc B. Shapiro writes: What is new is that parents are now beginning to stand up. Here is a passage from a nineteenth-century memoir from which we see that in the past even murder was covered up. (The case described … Continue reading

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You No Longer Get To Sit On Your Rabbi’s Lap

Professor Marc Shapiro writes: Another change in our era is that signs of physical affection between a rebbe and student, which at one time were very important especially as the rebbe served as a father figure, are no longer acceptable. … Continue reading

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When Rabbis Used To Slap Students

Marc Shapiro writes: Even though, as mentioned, teachers were never supposed to inflict real pain, I think it is fair to say that the physical punishments over the generations sometimes did get out of hand (see next note). I recall … Continue reading

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The Greatness Of Rav Kook

Marc Shapiro writes: In fact, it is only with the publication, uncensored, of R. Kook’s writings that the “lights” of his soul are revealed in all their grandeur. What other spiritual leader with unconventional views could declare that he is … Continue reading

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How Should We Deal With Heretics?

Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro writes: For parashat Metzora (p. 231), he quotes R. Kook’s statement in Ezrat Kohen, no. 21, that even if one expresses heretical thoughts, this doesn’t mean that he really is a heretic. Rather, it could be … Continue reading

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