Monthly Archives: August 2011

Why Are Some Biblical Prophecies Written In Ungrammatical Hebrew?

Dr. Marc B. Shapiro writes: Neusatz also has an interesting explanation as to why certain prophecies, in particular those of Ezekiel, are not written in proper grammatical Hebrew. This was already commented on by Abarbanel. Abarbanel simply attributes this to … Continue reading

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Is The Torah Historically Accurate?

Professor Marc B. Shapiro writes: I summarized R. Eleazar Ashkenazi’s position in his Tzafnat Paneah, pp. 29-30, as follows: He also offers another explanation for the lengthy lifespans [in the Torah], namely, that the Torah recorded what the popular belief … Continue reading

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What’s The Halacah?

Dr. Marc B. Shapiro writes: Yet my point is that the Jewish people didn’t need any specific halakhic justification, because they knew from their intuitive natural morality what was proper. This is what R. Yehudah Amital meant when he said … Continue reading

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When The Masses Have Greater Wisdom Than Torah Scholars

Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro writes Let me also return to the issue of the Jewish masses’ natural morality vs. the rabbinically tuned morality of the scholars, and how according to R. Kook the former is superior to that of the … Continue reading

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Can Too Much Torah Study Hurt Your Spiritual Life?

Professor Marc B. Shapiro is out with his first blog post since April. He writes: I have mentioned how R. Kook compares the Torah scholars and the masses, and how the masses have elements of natural morality that are not … Continue reading

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