Daily Archives: July 20, 2011

Pre-Marital Sex – Is it good or not good to abstain from any sexual contact before marriage?

Dennis Prager tackled this topic for an hour on his radio show today. Almost all of the callers said they abstained from pre-marital sex and that it was good for their marriage. They all sounded religious. They all sounded programmed … Continue reading

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TV News Reporter Sad About His Firing

KTTV news reporter John Schwada blogs on Facebook that so few people have spoken up about his firing: “But really what disturbs me most is the silence from my union, AFTRA, and from the journalism academy. When a veteran reporter … Continue reading

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Are Certain Groups More Susceptible To Corruption?

The New York Times writes: “More than 100 people in Turkey, South Korea and Greece have been charged in recent weeks in inquiries into players and officials throwing soccer games. Similar scandals in Hungary, Italy, Germany, El Salvador, Israel, China, … Continue reading

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For A Godly Man, I Remain Painfully Flawed

I’m a convert to Orthodox Judaism. I subscribe to an elevated moral code. I try to live my life by the dictates of Jewish law. I want to be a mentch. I study the holy words of Torah. I meditate … Continue reading

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Sholom Rubashkin; Judicial Disqualification

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