Monthly Archives: July 2011

John Aravosis Vs. Dennis Prager On Biased Reporting Of NY’s Marriage Equality Win

Dennis Prager (radio host) & John Aravosis ( battle it out as to why the news reports on New York’s same-sex marriage vote were celebratory and didn’t show opposing sides.

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How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

If she’s keeping her distance and looking around the room while she’s talking to you or if she pats you when she hugs you goodbye, she’s just not that into you. Here are ways you can tell if she is … Continue reading

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Why Didn’t We Date?

I have a good friend. She’s an attractive woman. We’ve studied Torah together. We’ve gone to Jewish conferences together. We’ve talked for hours. People have often said that we are the mirror image of the other. Yet we’ve never crossed … Continue reading

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Should Men Do More Around The Home?

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager dealt with this New York Times article. “I don’t recall my dad vacuuming or cooking or making the bed,” said Dennis July 6, 2011. “When a woman is 25 and is imagining her … Continue reading

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Obama Has Produced The Worst Economic Recovery Ever

From IBD: There are 2 million fewer private-sector jobs now than when Obama was sworn in, and the unemployment rate is 1.5 percentage points higher. • There are now more long-term unemployed than at any time since the government started … Continue reading

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