Daily Archives: March 10, 2011

Coalition Building

Joe emails: The new Jewish Journal is so out of touch it is actually devilishly funny. The cover is devoted to the AJC’s and other’s efforts to build bridges with the Latino community. No doubt the jewish community has not … Continue reading

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The Liberal Media

From DennisPrager.com: Thursday, March 10, 2011 Radio Show 20110310 – 01 Shame Liberal Media Prager H1: The liberal media bias is in full display in Wisconsin. Can you imagine how the media would depict Tea Party Republicans rushing mob-like into … Continue reading

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The Biggest Threat To Liberty In The World Today

Since the fall of communism in Europe, political Islam (think Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Taliban, Al Qaeda) has emerged as the biggest threat to human rights around the world. On his radio show Wednesday, Dennis Prager said: “Those who want … Continue reading

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