Daily Archives: December 27, 2010

Rita Pauker Whoops With Delight Over OU Decision To Disinvite Steve Friedman

I call Rita Monday afternoon. Luke: “What’s your reaction to the OU decision?” Rita yells “Yahoo! I was hysterically happy. Ohmigod, justice has been served. I was thrilled.” Luke: “Were you surprised?” Rita: “Semi-surprised.” Luke: “Where did the four Torah … Continue reading

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Canceling Sunday Night’s Game Because Of A Storm Threat

“The nanny state has taken over the manly sport of football,” says Dennis. “What is the public safety issue? Getting to the stadium? Then you leave three hours earlier.” From DennisPrager.com: Monday, December 27, 2010 Radio Show H1: Wimpification The … Continue reading

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Random Thoughts On The Torah Scroll Dispute

* Rita Pauker interview. Rabbi Samuel Ohana interview. * In an offer attached as Exhibit B to R. Ohana’s first pleading filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court in this case, R. Ohana offered to give Rita Pauker all four … Continue reading

Posted in R. Avraham Teichman, R. Gavriel Cohen, R. Nachum Sauer, R. Samuel Ohana, R. Sholom Tendler, R. Yitzhock Adlerstein, RCC, Steven Friedman | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Random Thoughts On The Torah Scroll Dispute