Monthly Archives: December 2010

The Rains Have Stopped In Los Angeles

I’m looking out my window at a beautiful rainbow over Pico-Robertson.

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What Do Men Want?

Dennis Prager writes: He most wants to be admired by the woman he loves. One proof is that the most devastating thing a woman can do to her man is to hold him in contempt. That is so devastating to … Continue reading

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My Favorite Writers On The Left

* Mickey Kaus * Michael Kinsley * Richard Cohen * New York Review of Books * Gore Vidal * Christopher Hitchens

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Blogging In Real Time

Tamara is a 20-something third year law student. She writes a dating blog for the Jewish Journal called Tattletales. Watch our complete interview. Tamara went to Adat Ariel Conservative Jewish day school through sixth grade and graduated from Calabassas High … Continue reading

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Net What?

From Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Radio Show H1: Net What? Prager H1: The FCC has created new government rules for the Internet. It goes by the nice sounding name of “Net Neutrality.” But it’s not nice. It’s government intrusion … Continue reading

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