Monthly Archives: November 2010

I Am Home From My Surgery

Surgery went fine. Surgeon recommended against fixing deviated septum, too minor, just did some other tweaks so i can breathe easier. Now I just have to stay off the coke for six weeks. I am live on my cam, hoping … Continue reading

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Florida family has 45 guests at Thanksgiving dinner

I’m reading this story from the Drudge Report and thinking about the Happy Minyan. Its stalwarts Stuart and Enny Wax regularly had Shabbat dinner for a hundred people for about two years until they had kids. The kind of hospitality … Continue reading

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I Don’t Need Your Contempt

I find few things as distancing as receiving contempt. As a guy, I hate to acknowledge a lack of competence in my man tasks, but since February 1988, I’ve been hamstrung by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and therefore been unable to … Continue reading

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Yeshiva Guy Shares A Torah Insight

Hat tip to Frum Follies. Dov Bear. On the Main Line blogs: A YouTube video called Yeshiva guy says over a vort has been making the rounds. Incredibly for our little circles it has 30000+ views in one week. By … Continue reading

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You Can Get Away With Almost Anything If You Just Admit It

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “People can handle anything if you just admit it. If you level with people… You can almost do anything on the radio but if you say you’re sorry…” From Wednesday, November … Continue reading

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