Daily Archives: November 7, 2010

Football and Love

While girls have come and gone from my life over the past 33 years, I’ve loved only one football team — the Dallas Cowboys. This year, the Cowboys have one victory in seven games. They are virtually eliminated from the … Continue reading

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Parashat Vayetzei (Genesis 28:10-32:3)

This week’s Torah portion: “The parshah tells of Jacob’s travels to, life in, and return from Haran. The parshah recounts Jacob’s dream of a ladder to heaven, Jacob’s meeting of Rachel at the well, Jacob’s time working for Laban and … Continue reading

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The Struggle To Conceive for Matriarchs & Patriarchs

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD) Here’s something new we’re doing at The Jewish Channel: a weekly series in which we bring you Torah portion thoughts from a mix of rabbis, scholars and others. This is a sampling … Continue reading

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