Daily Archives: November 22, 2010

The Torah Hour Of Power

I discuss the weekly Torah portion (parsha) of Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40) with Rabbi Rabbs.

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The Ronni Chasen Murder

The NJG: hi luke, you no longer do gossip anymore? The NJG: just wondering bc of the Ronni Chasen thing The NJG: thought YOU would be all over it The NJG: people at datalounge speculated that it might be related … Continue reading

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Healthcare Blues

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says about Obamacare: “This is classic liberal legislation. It feels good. We pass it. We worry about the consequences later.” “There is a childlike element to all left-wing positions. We will do good … Continue reading

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She Finds It Hard To Say No

Tamara Shayne Kagel writes for the Jewish Journal: But pretty soon, it became clear, I was not going to date this guy. He’s a few years younger than me and works a cash register, but of course one day, he’d … Continue reading

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Looking For A Little Human Contact?

Rabbs and I should discuss this on our Torah Talk as we are constantly jetting around the world to bring enlightenment.

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