Daily Archives: September 27, 2010

Do Large Breasts Belong On The Pulpit?

Jonathan Kirsch writes in the Jewish Journal: Levy’s account of her own self-reinvention as a rabbi, which inspired her to create Nashuva, is kind of a parallel narrative in “Hope Will Find You,” and it’s just as affecting and enlightening … Continue reading

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The Islamic Assault On Freedom

When will people in the West stop propagandizing that Westerners need to become sensitive to Muslim sensibilities and instead demand that if Muslims want to live among us, they sensitize themselves to our values, which include freedom? Why aren’t Muslims … Continue reading

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Gasping For Breath

For the past ten days, I have not been able to breathe consistently through my nose at night. I’ve been waking up gasping for breath and Googling “dry nasal passages” and the like. Saw the Kaiser doctor this morning. He … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘Women Have A More Selfish Way Of Voting’

Politico reports: Some of the most dramatic recent polls suggesting that a Republican “wave” will overtake Democratic majorities this year share a single ingredient: testosterone. The gender gap that in 2008 resulted in 6 percent more men than women supporting … Continue reading

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Immigration News

From CIS.org: 1. University of California Gets Bonus from Feds for Selecting Foreign Grad Students (Memorandum) 2. Private Immigration Bills = Congressional Earmarks = Executive Pardons (Blog) 3. Blowing Holes in Latino Vote Mythology (Blog) 4. Comedian Colbert Tips Hearing … Continue reading

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