Daily Archives: September 26, 2010

My Friend Rodger Jacobs Fears Homelessness

His plight is being chronicled in the Las Vegas Sun. The latest video shows him smoking and drinking, leading to commenters giving him a hard time for getting government aid (social security disability for psoriasis). Rodger says in the video … Continue reading

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When Do Big Rabbis Become Small Rabbis?

In his third lecture on Rabbi Chalom Messas for Torah in Motion, Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro says: I don’t think Rabbi Yitzhak Abadi has any following. He learned his whole life in the Litvisha world. Rav Abadi was the posek … Continue reading

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The Case For Concubines

In his third lecture on Rabbi Chalom Messas for Torah in Motion, Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro says: [In 2006], Zvi Zohar in Israel, an expert in Sephardic halacah, just came out with a book on 20th Century Sephardic rabbis. He … Continue reading

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A Convert’s Sad Story

Anonymous writes: I am a convert. There can be no question that I am halakhically Jewish, at least if you trust the Lubavitchers to know halakha. I am writing to protest the downright shameful treatment of converts by the Orthodox … Continue reading

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Making God Look Bad To The World

In his fifth lecture on Rabbi Joseph Elijah Henkin (the leading posek in America during the 1940s and 1950s) for Torah in Motion, Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro says: Rav Henkin says Jews must be careful about how they speak about … Continue reading

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