Monthly Archives: November 2009

Did Nidal Hasan Suffer From An Excess Of Sensitivity?

Charles Krauthammer writes: The delicacy about the religion in question — condescending, politically correct and deadly — is nothing new. A week after the first (1993) World Trade Center attack, the same New York Times ran the following front-page headline … Continue reading

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Australian Businessman Accused of Fraud Flees Home

The JTA reports:   SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) — A Jewish businessman accused of defrauding investors of $1.7 billion reportedly has left his home in Sydney fearing for his safety. South African-born Barry Tannenbaum has “relocated to what he perceives to be … Continue reading

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How The RCA Gave Away The Game To R. Shlomo Amar

Israel’s chief rabbis have traditionally divided up their duties — one would handle Beit Din (Jewish law court handling conversions, divorces, business disputes etc) stuff and the other would handle everything else including kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). Then, every five … Continue reading

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Sholom Rubashkin Convicted of 86 Federal Charges in Fraud Scheme Involving Postville, Iowa, Kosher Meat Plant

The Des Moines Register reports:  Sioux Falls, S.D. ­ A jury has convicted Sholom Rubashkin of 86 federal charges for his part in a massive fraud scheme at his former meat plant, Agriprocessors Inc., in Postville. Jurors declared Rubashkin guilty … Continue reading

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What Animates Rabbi Gershon Bess?

He’s the most powerful Orthodox rabbi in Los Angeles. The yeshiva and kollel communities look to him for guidance. He is the power behind the RCC. What does he want? What is his vision? He strikes me as a man … Continue reading

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