Monthly Archives: November 2009

Rabbi Dr. Luke

I find that when someone introduces themself with a title, be it doctor or rabbi or pastor, they are seeking to put distance between us. My preference is to always call rabbis "Rabbi X" unless it is their preference otherwise … Continue reading

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U.S. Attorney Nominee for Northern Iowa Criticized Over Agriprocessors Immigration Raid

The New York Times reports:   Eleventh-hour criticism is arising over President Obama’s nomination for United States attorney in northern Iowa of a prosecutor who had a leading role in the criminal cases against hundreds of illegal immigrants arrested in a … Continue reading

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Don’t Let It Fester

So when I don’t like things in a relationship, my tendency is to distance myself or to find a new partner or to do passive aggressive things to hurt my partner or to send her a long angry email explaining … Continue reading

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Cool Hand Luke

He says she says.She says: The yoga class was very crowded. He opened the door and scanned the room. It’s a big room, did he have to squeeze in beside me? Guys are so obvious. OK, Rina*, stop being uber-bitch. … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: The New York Times’ Coverage of the Fort Hood Massacre — A Profile in Journalistic Courage

"Was Major [Nidal Malik] Hasan a terrorist…?" The New York Times courageously asked yesterday.  Duuuhhhhh.

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