Monthly Archives: June 2009

Most Rishonim, Early Achronim Permitted Concubines

The Rishonim were leading rabbis who lived from the 11th to the 15th Centuries, before the Shulchan Aruch. The Achronim are leading rabbis from the 16th Century to the present. I’m listening to a Torah in Motion lecture by Dr. … Continue reading

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My 29-Minute David Carradine Interview

From Oct. 29, 2007:

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Rabbis Vs Journalists

The Jewish Week reported in its June 10, 2009 issue: The halachic adviser to Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, which receives millions of dollars in state and federal money, told a Bergenfield, N.J., synagogue audience in 2007 that tax … Continue reading

Posted in Orthodoxy, R. Dovid Cohen, R. Steven Pruzansky, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbis Vs Journalists

Conformity In Orthodox Judaism

Should I stay or should I go? If I go, there will be trouble. If I stay, I will be troubled. Damn phone’s not ringing. I don’t care. So you want me to repress my feelings? Just shove them right … Continue reading

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The Biggest Thing To Develop Character

"…is taking care of yourself and others," said Dennis Prager on his radio show Wednesday. "In that respect, Europeans are more childlike than Americans. Why did doctors come to your house when you were a kid? Before all these government … Continue reading

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