Monthly Archives: June 2009

‘The Michael Jackson Conspiracy’

Monday morning, I talk to true crime writer Aphrodite Jones. A resident of New York, she’s the author of the 2007 book "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy." I’ve read all eight of her books and previously interviewed her in January 2007. … Continue reading

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The John Edwards Sex Tape

From the New York Daily News: Young says that his belief in Edwards ran so deep that he agreed to take the fall for the candidate, inviting the pregnant Hunter to live with him, his wife, Cheri, and their three … Continue reading

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The Case For Jewish Settlements

Yisrael Medad writes in the Los Angeles Times: No one, including a president of the United States of America, can presume to tell me, a Jew, that I cannot live in the area of my national homeland. That’s one of … Continue reading

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Eating Peanuts On Passover

Rabbi David Zvi Hoffman — the greatest Torah scholar of the past couple of centuries — was with the right-wing Agudah. He was not anti-Zionist but he was not Mizrachi (religious Zionist and on the more moderate end of the … Continue reading

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Meir Kin Vs The RCC IV

Here’s a new website presenting Meir Kin’s side in this dispute: There is growing frustration in the LA Community that Ora (Organization for the resolution of Agunot, and the RCC (Rabbinical Council of California,, are complicit in Lonna … Continue reading

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