Monthly Archives: May 2009

The Lives of the Gedolim

Dr. Marc B. Shapiro gave a lecture for Torah in Motion on writing history vs. writing hagiography. Near the end, he takes a question: "Why should we be tolerant of the hagiographical Artscroll approach? Just to take it to a … Continue reading

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AIPAC Conference

Joe emails: I am hearing that the AIPAC conference is going about as well as a Wagner concert at a Hadassah banquet. Lots of AIPAC donors are absolutely convinced that Obama is about to announce a plan to condition aid … Continue reading

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Brenda Dickson’s Third Warning

I had so hoped that Brenda would be an honest person. On her first fax, she said the next letter would come from her attorney. Alas, her second communication was just a tiresome personal email. And now her third communication … Continue reading

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My Interview With Elizabeth Fournier – Author of ‘All Men Are Cremated Equal: 77 Blind Dates’

Elizabeth’s book ends on a happy note — she gets married at age 37. Here’s the timeline from Elizabeth: 35 – dumped alcoholic fiance 36 – started dating new fiance 37 – engaged 38 – married 39 – pregnant 40 – baby … Continue reading

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Ovadia Yosef’s Son Says Bachelors Over 20 Must Leave Jerusalem

Rabbi Steven Weil has a like-mind in the holy city. I wonder what I could do to convince the rabbis of my sturdy heterosexual inclinations? Just because I am almost 43 and never married… YNETNEWS reports: Ultra-orthodox bachelors over the … Continue reading

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