Monthly Archives: May 2009

Rav Soloveitchik Predicted There Would Never Be Hasidic Judaism In America

During World War II, there were fewer than 100 Satmar families in the United States. Now the Satmar are the most numerous Hasidic group, about 125,000 presently. In a lecture on the Satmar Rav for Torah in Motion, historian Marc … Continue reading

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Dramatic Mold Cleanup At Museum Terrace Apartment Complex In Miracle Mile

A source emails: There has been a company here, All America, for 3 weeks draining the water and mold from the building (as well as changing our sprinkler heads) which explains why they aren’t giving me the mold and air … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Emor 5769

Steve Brizel writes: Kedushas Kehunah and Kedushas Am Yisrael R. Aharon Lichtenstein explains why non-Kohanim can and should emulate the Kohen in our everyday lives: link R. Yisocher Frand illustrates why the Halachos of Tumas Kohanim, even for a minor, … Continue reading

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Lesbian To Head Southern California Board Of Rabbis

Gay Reform Temple Kol Ami is kvelling that their rabbi, Denise Eger, got selected: WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Congregation Kol Ami, a Reform Jewish congregation serving the diverse community of West Hollywood, today congratulated its Rabbi, Denise L. Eger on her … Continue reading

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The Latest In The Brian Dror Bankruptcy

He had a real estate trust that went belly up. Here’s the latest filing. Background documents.

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